This post is meant to touch on some of the issues that I scream about when it comes to race and the anointment of O'Dumbo as the Messiah by the left.
Everyone has heard the uproar about the cover of the New Yorker harpooning Michelle "Black Power" Obama and the presumptive democrat nominee for President - her hen-pecked hubby - Messiah Barry as a muslim. The left leaning pundits have had a field day with each giving their own views on why this cover is, bad, disgusting, hurtful, racist, shameful, uncalled for, etc...
Connie Schulz of the PD took it upon herself in claiming she speaks for Ohio - by writing people in Ohio don't like this humor...
It's not that I don't think the New Yorker had the right to publish the cartoon. I do. It's just that, for a lot of us who live somewhere else, it isn't funny.
But I'm so tired of people who don't live or work where I do insisting there's always a punch line to the ugliness around us.
I find this part of an article in the Chronicle Herald Nova Scotian pretty telling of how thin-skinned the left & MSM have become, and of how over protective they are of the "Anointed One."
"I get the intended joke," says American novelist Trey Ellis, "but dressing up the perhaps next president of the United States as the new millennium equivalent of Adolf Hitler is just gross and dumb."
Bob Cesca, who wrote the forthcoming book, One Nation Under Fear, believes that, even before the cartoon appeared, the spreading of the Obama-is-a-terrorist rumour put the candidate and his family "at risk of being targeted by an unhinged far-right zealot who has ‘Kill ’em, and let God sort them out’ tattooed across his forehead."
Now, however, "any given yokel will see the cover — as it’s aired around the clock on cable news — and think, ‘Hey Jessup! Lookie yonder! This here drawing shows Hoo-Sane is a Muslin terrrrst. I knew it!’ "
"Negative images burn their way into the consciousness of voters in ways that cannot be erased by facts," Jonathan Altar argues in Newsweek. "With one visual move, the magazine undid months of pro-Obama coverage in its pages." More...
American novelist Trey Ellis must have came from under a rock two days ago! How many times have the left called Bush a murderer? I can go on and on about the many things that have been done and said about President Bush. For that matter, you can go on and on about satires and caricatures of past Presidents from both the Donkey & Elephant clan. Just can't talk bad about Obama - he is the "Anointed One."
In his own remark Cesca is guilty of what he is crying about! Don't say anything bad about Obama but it is OK for him to call people "yokels" and make fun of southern accents in a derogatory manner. Tattoo on the forehead? Is Cesca saying all southern bred whites are members of the Aryan Brotherhood? Just can't talk bad about Obama - he is the "Anointed One."
Altar of Newsweek is the brainiac of the bunch in saying images cannot be erased by facts. I'm thinking Nixon/Kennedy debate here... Surveys have shown that TV viewers of that debate mostly feel Kennedy won the debate and radio listeners felt Nixon won the debate. It has been known as fact the Kennedy Team, knowing Nixon sweated easily, purposely had the heat turned up and the spotlights directed at him. Obviously it worked, Nixon was said to be a sweat hog during the debate. Just can't talk bad about Obama - he is the "Anointed One."
On the last day of the NAACP Convention New York Governor David Paterson had this to say...
New York Gov. David Paterson and the NAACP on Thursday condemned the New Yorker magazine's satirical cover depicting Democrat Barack Obama and his wife as flag-burning radicals.
Paterson, a Democrat who is New York's first black governor, told delegates at the civil rights organization's national convention that the cover that hit newsstands Monday is "one of the most malignant, vicious covers of a magazine I have ever seen," drawing a loud applause."It depicted them as angry, hateful, violent and unpatriotic," Paterson added.
Let anyone dispute, dismantle any of the Messiah's empty messages of hope with facts or - God Forbid - make fun of Messiah Barry and you are summarily called a racist, bigot, knuckle-dragging conservative or accused of being a white sheeted Klan member. Many on the left want to remove race from the upcoming election, yet are the first to point it out and cry foul.
Many O'Dipweed supporters talk about how special he is - but feel the need to protect him in an almost cult like fashion. Is this a trickle down effect from the civil rights movement in the democrat party? You know after years of being against blacks the democrats have seen the light and have now become the saviors of the blacks. Does this over protectiveness stem from the democrats entitlement and affirmative action desires, or what I call the "You are too dumb to succeed so we will help you" line of thinking?
Regardless of why the korrectniks of the left act like this or why they are so touchy about anything negative about the "Anointed One," Messiah Barry, what will they do if he is elected? Will our country become like Israel? We will be offended at the slightest hint of offense? If another country disagrees with us will it be because they are prejudice? Is it going to be only black leaders from other countries are allowed to disagree with Messiah Barry?
Now for the case in point hypocrisy of the "korrectnik kooks of the left" and the MSM...
H/T to Tom at Bizzy Blog (via Taxman Blog via tip from Weapons of Mass Discussion) for this dandy little tidbit...
You might think that a tidal wave of denunciation would ensue if a cartoon depicting John McCain being tortured in a bamboo cage by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and another person (who might be George W. Bush) were to appear in a supposedly respectable or trendy publication.
You might further think that giving McCain’s three torturers stereotypically exaggerated Asian features would only further fuel the outrage.Sorry to disappoint you, but the cartoon involved appeared last month in Rolling Stone. As far as I can tell, what you are about to see has produced not a single ripple of protest. More...
Making fun of a former American POW, "perhaps maybe the next President of the United States" and Asians by a liberal korrectnik rag is OK! Just can't talk bad about Obama - he is the "Anointed One."
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