Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Huckabee tells GOP Leaders "Quit Whining"

Out promoting his book, Do The Right Thing, Mike Huckabee pretty much said it was time for our party leaders to look in the mirror as to why we have been getting our behinds handed to us at the polls...
Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee had a message for his party's leadership, still licking its wounds after the November election, as he headed for Cincinnati on Tuesday for a book-signing session: Quit blaming others, and look at yourselves.

You hear these Republicans bragging about not raising taxes, when they've been spending out of control, racking up huge deficits and then kicking the can down the road," the former Arkansas governor told The Enquirer...

For the most part I liked Huckabee, but felt McCain was the best candidate we had that had a shot at winning. Huckabee also agrees McCain had a chance to win.

But Huckabee brings up a good point about why we lost - it is something that the rank & file have been saying for awhile... it is something our party leaders have been mouthing -- but not understanding.

Many blame the losses on social issues, like Ohio GOP Deputy Chairman Kevin DeWine, and want to water down our core belief system - but this is NOT the answer - doing the right thing is the answer. Leading like drunken sailors and not being fiscally sound, or better yet - spending like democrats - is what led to our demise...
"Republicans didn't lose because they were social conservatives," said Huckabee, a former Baptist preacher who won the Iowa caucuses in January. "They lost because they have been irresponsible with the taxpayers' money."

That fact, Huckabee said, doomed GOP nominee John McCain and Republicans running for Congress from one end of the country to the other.

"If you advertise one thing and you deliver another, people are going to start reaching for another product off the shelf," he said.

Huckabee said that while "the headwinds were strong against Republicans" in 2008, he thinks McCain had a chance until he suspended his campaign in September to return to Washington to help fashion a Wall Street bailout package. (USA Today)

I agree suspending the campaign was a big, BIG mistake. But McCain returned to fix the mess the Republicans allowed the democrats to put our country in. Again, it was a mistake, but he was cleaning up the mess we allowed.

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