Monday, December 10, 2007

Tubbs-Jones Says Leave Hospitals Alone!

The IRS is cracking down on hospitals that are claiming non-profit status. Hospital's claiming non-profit status would be required to fill out form 990 for 2008 tax year. The revised form will require hospital's to provide more detail about their financial records AND prove that the free care they give is enough to earn them this coveted tax-exempt status.

You would think - Damn, it is about time the IRS began scrutinizing these multi-million dollars corporations hiding behind their non-profit status - right? Wrong!

U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the darling democrat from Cleveland, feels hospitals already do enough for the areas that they serve. Siding with the American Hospital Association and locals hospitals, Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, Tubbs-Jones agrees there should be financial transparency of the so-called non-profit hospital's, but does not want to burden them with extra paperwork.

From the PD --

"We already ask a great deal of our nation's hospitals," Tubbs Jones said in a letter to the federal agency.

"They are always open, taking care of everyone who comes through the emergency department doors in addition to reaching out with programs designed to make their communities healthier.

"We should not take them away from this important work by requiring them to spend valuable time and resources filling out IRS forms. . ." More...

Reps. Steven LaTourette and Michael Turner, both Ohio RINO's are supporting Tubbs-Jones on her quest in allowing these facilities to continue operating under current conditions until after 2010.

Is Tubbs-Jones, once regarded as the savior of Cleveland, doing this to stay in favor with local facilities, University Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic? Of course she would not want to jeopardize any campaign donations from her own backyard.

I don't ever hear any politicians screaming that everyday citizens are burdened by all the paperwork the IRS requires us to fill out for our taxes. Since us normal folk don't give enough to her campaign because our money is spent on soaring health care costs charged by these facilities, I guess we don't count.

But there is a voice of reason out there - a voice speaking up for the everyday working man. There is someone out there asking the hospitals be more accountable for the cherished non-profit status...

Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, said in a statement to The Plain Dealer that Tubbs Jones and other lawmakers should be asking more of the hospitals. Two years ago, he asked the Cleveland Clinic and nine other hospitals for information to show whether the benefits they provide to the needy justify the tax breaks they receive.

"The question is whether it's fair for a hospital to accept very generous tax breaks in exchange for a few cholesterol screenings once in a while," Grassley wrote in his statement. "With full transparency, we'll all be better equipped to answer that question."

Well look at that! A republican from out of state looking to help residents in Cuyahoga County. Damn, we can get the one's from either side here to stand up for us!

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