Monday, December 3, 2007

Girlieman of the Week - British Foreign Secretary David Milibrand

Reposted from Politically Incorrect Gazette --

Girlieman of the Week
Date Awarded: November 30, 2007

Girlieman: British Foreign Secretary David Milibrand
Antics: Craven Cowardice

"We are extremely disappointed that the charges were not dismissed." (Brit Foreign Secretary David Milibrand on Gillian Gibbons’ conviction, while a murderous Islamikaze mob rampages through the streets of Khartoum, demanding Gillian’s immediate execution.)

I’m not sure what planet a 54 year old Brit woman named Gillian Gibbons has been visiting, but it’s the one that doesn’t get CNN, Fox News, or and other Earthly outpost of News Nitwitdom. For some inexplicable reason, she’s blissfully unaware that the Sudan is an Islamikaze infested postal code of the Twilight Zone that makes a day in hell seem like a church picnic.

Gillian’s thrill ride began in August when she started teaching some of the 750 pupils who attend a private Sudanese school named Unity High School. In September, Gillian was preparing to teach a lesson on animals, so she had one of her 7-year-old pupils bring in a teddy bear. The first order of business was to name it, which the students did, choosing the name Muhammad. Next, Gillian allowed each pupil to take the bear home with them so they could write a diary entry about it. The lesson concluded when Gillian had all the diary entries compiled in a single book bearing the title "My Name is Muhammad".

The fat fell into the inferno when a woman working for the school ratted Gillian out and accused her of - TA DA - denigrating the Mecca Maniac prophet. In a heartbeat Gillian was arrested, tried and convicted. Initially she was looking at a stretch in a Sudanese graybar and a whipping. Later, after outrage from the civilized world reached critical mass, the sentence was reduced to 15 days in the slammer, no whipping and deportation.

A whipping for naming a teddy bear ‘Muhammad’ is barbaric and it should have elicited outrage in Britain, and it did, among Brit rational adults. At Number 10 Downing Street, and in the Brit Foreign Office, the reaction was much more muted. How muted? Muted enough to make the noises emitted by a man with laryngitis seem deafening. Hell, one of Gillian’s young students, a lad named ‘Muhammad’ showed more courage than the Brit Labour government, when he publically proclaimed that it was he, not Gillian, who named the bear ‘Muhammad’.

Foreign Secretary David Milibrand’s response was so gutless and girlie he makes Jimmy "Jello Spine" Carter seem like one of the 300 Spartans. While the Muslim leaders inside Britain vilified the Sudanese government for their vile response to Gillian’s ‘crime’, Milibrand cowered under his desk, hoping it would all just go away some damn how. He hemmed. He hawed. He furrowed his brow. He considered saying "Tisk, tisk", but thought better of it and extolled the virtues of the peace-loving Islam instead. In other words, he let this pissant, pitiful excuse for a country get away with their Islamikaze assault on a British citizen.

For pretending to be a man...for playing diplomatic word games while a pissant country is threatening to whip a middle aged Brit woman...for failing this gut check on every possible level...for lacking the nads to bitch slap the Sudanese Islamikazes...for being the biggest coward who ever stained humanities skivvies, Brit Foreign Minister David Milibrand is the Politically Incorrect Gazette’s Girlieman of the Week.

[PIG wants to thank Gunny Jeff for nominating this Milibrand piece of crap. Thanks for the tip, Marine.]

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