Thursday, February 14, 2008

California - Will It Ever Fall In The Ocean?

The Campaign for Children and Families are kicking off their drive to combat the state-mandated indoctrination of public school children with the Radical Gay Agenda (RGA).

From World Net Daily --
Officials said SB 777 "functionally requires public school instructional materials and school-sponsored activities to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-change operations, homosexual 'marriages,' and all aspects of homosexuality and bisexuality, including so-called 'gay history.'"

The second bill, AB 394, "requires public schools to distribute controversial material to teachers, students, and parents which promotes transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality, all under the guise of 'anti-harassment' training," the group said.

Supporters of these "It is Ok to be Gay" laws - point out the law does not specifically ban the words Mom & Dad - just that they are discriminatory....

Karen England, chief of CRI, told WND that the law is not a list of banned words, including "mom" and "dad." But she said the requirement is that the law bans discriminatory bias and the effect will be to ban such terminology.

"Having 'mom' and 'dad' promotes a discriminatory bias. You have to either get rid of 'mom' and 'dad' or include everything when talking about [parental issues]," she said. "They [promoters of sexual alternative lifestyles] do consider that discriminatory." More....

Sounds like they are banned to me! I thought there was no Radical Gay Agenda?

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