Thursday, December 6, 2007

Forced Gay indoctrination of students causes - Homosexodus!

The korrectnik liberal educators in California are once again being used to indoctrinate our children with the agenda of the radical homosexual.

The mom's & dad's, (under SB 777 - mom & dad are considered discriminatory), of the student's are fighting back by removing their children from the schools....

From WND --

Parents in California have started reacting to the state's newly mandated homosexual indoctrination program by pulling their children out of classes, and state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell is warning districts they'll lose money if that happens.

The new law demands, "No
teacher shall give instruction nor shall any school district sponsor any activity that promotes a discriminatory bias because of a characteristic [including perceived gender.]"

Karen England, chief of the CRI, which has set up a separate website to organize opposition to SB 777, has told WND that the law is not a list of banned words, including "mom" and "dad." But she said the requirement is that the law bans discriminatory bias and the effect will be to ban such terminology.

"Having 'mom' and 'dad' promotes a discriminatory bias. You have to either get rid of 'mom' and 'dad' or include everything when talking about [parental issues]," she said. "They [promoters of sexual alternative lifestyles] do consider that discriminatory." More....

Mom & Dad offensive and discriminatory?

Why is it when a "minority" group of people feel offended - sweeping changes are effected to correct the perceived slight. Yet when a "majority" of people are offended and speak out, they are labeled by the liberals as a homophobe, xenophobe, racist, bigot, etc...?

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