Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dr. King had a Dream - So did Bill!

Don't you just love when politicians show us how they truly feel....

From the NY Post --

During an appearance at the Convent Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem, the former president was caught nodding off.

Clinton was there during a service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., while his wife was nearby at Abyssinian Baptist Church, where she was endorsed by its minister, Rev. Calvin Butts. More...

And Mr. Clinton, please tell us how much you and your wife care about the fight for civil rights......

Snrrrrrrrr, snrrrrrrrr, snrrrrrrr!!!

(Click here or pic to see the video)


  1. damn...no righties wanted to hat tip me on this one. that's nasy and brutish!

  2. Well, I only know one lefty named Eric...

    Mr. God of Plunder, please accept my apology. I was not aware you had posted on this. I will make the proper h/t and add to my post this afternoon.

    Poor Bill... up all night smoking cigars and chasing skirts from Hillhag's campaign staff.


Don't be scared!