Saturday, January 19, 2008

Steaming Load Award #1 - ACLU

From Politically Incorrect Gazette --

Steaming Load #1: ACLU Rides to Wide Stance Larry’s Rescue

Idaho’s senatorial pestilence, Wide-Stance Larry Craig, continues to caterwaul about his disorderly conduct conviction (he pleaded guilty) for his antics in a Minnesota airport men’s room. It would be nice if this blithering ‘hello there, big boy’ fool would just shut the hell up, sit down and try to remember what it’s like to be man. Obviously, he hasn’t got the stones for that kind of manhood.

As noxious as Wide Stance Larry’s behavior is, he’s not the biggest steaming load of butt bullets in this story. That honor goes to the ACLU which is spewing legalistic drivel about someone who confuses a public bathroom with a sin bin having an “expectation of privacy”. An expectation of PRIVACY while you’re in a PUBLIC bathroom? Beam me the hell up, stat, Scotty!

If the ACLU means you have an expectation that you won’t be spied on by, whomever - including the cops, while you’re in that stall doing your business, I might agree. BUT, Wide Stance crossed the line when he shoved his foot under the partition to play footsie with the cop sitting in the next stall. When you’re ‘begging for it’, you, voluntarily, throw that ‘expectation of privacy’ out the damn window.

PIGster Jeremy thinks that these ACLU turds - and their pal Wide Stance, no doubt - are begging for a smiting. I don’t have them that high on my ‘needs a smiting’ list, but, if he can work that out, I’m willing to suck it up and call it “a blessing”.


  1. A find it amusing that this is ACLU's first "republican" cause to defend.

  2. Well you are not absolutely correct --

    The Ohio ACLU has filed a lawsuit against our SoS, Jennifer Brunner, and her forcing OH to switch to optical scanners.

    The Cuyahoga County BOE, being made up of 2 dems & 2 reb. had a tie vote on throwing away our current system. Brunner broke the tie and we are changing.

    The two republicans, one is our county chairman, Rob Frost, voted NO then did nothing. Even though when this first broke both GOP members gave sound bytes of how bad and possibly illegal this move is. Legal issues with the awarding of a no bid contract also come into play.

    After their "NO" vote and some chest beating in the media, the gop, being the ORP and RPCC, did nothing.

    The ACLU picked this up and has filed suit.

    So Gordo if you look at it they are NOT picking up a republican cause in Craig's bathroom escapades. They are not as much defending Craig as they are fighting for the average bathroom pervert to make the public men's room like a gay bath house.

    Believe me, I do not think the anti-American ACLU will protect a closet, hypocrite, page chasing, bathroom creeping, GOP politician that routinely votes against their causes to destroy our country.

    I think they love the fact that ANOTHER "I hate Gay's" republican has been exposed as a hypocrite!


Don't be scared!