Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Radical Gay "Super Hero" says "Bestiality is OK - if animal approves"

The founding father of the Radical Gay Agenda - Frank Kameny, is at it again! This time he might have PETA pissed off.

This "Super Fruit in Tights" for the GLBT community, Kameny achieved this icon status with his gay protests during the 60's, starting the Mattachine Society of Washington, coining of the phrase "Gay is Good," and the relentless badgering of the American Psychiatric Association into effectively reclassifying homosexuals as normal.

Kameny recently wrote a letter to Americans for Truth about Homosexuality after they complained about bestiality being promoted during the "International Mr. Leather" convention...

From WND --
"Absolutely indisputably a central part of the very definition of Americanism is the guarantee, found in the Declaration of Independence, as not merely a Right, but as an Inalienable Right, of the 'Pursuit of Happiness,'" he wrote. "If something which someone arbitrarily defines as a 'sexual perversion' provides happiness for consenting adult participants, then its enjoyment is enshrined in basic Americanism.

"So: Let us have more and better enjoyment of more and better sexual perversions, by whatever definition, by more and more consenting adults. We will all be the better off thereby. And that will be Americanism in action," he said.

Kameny, now 83, said, "Bestiality is not my thing … But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn't mind (and the animal rarely does), I don't mind, and I don't see why anyone else should."

His letter continued:
"If bestiality with consenting animals provides happiness to some people, let them pursue their happiness."

He wrote: " The First Amendment prohibits ANY law abridging freedom of speech and press. Therefore pornography is fully lawful and may not be limited or suppressed. Thus saith our Constitution. Anyone who does not choose to view some particular pornography has an absolute right not to view it. But there is NO valid right for such people even to attempt to limit or prevent its acquisition and viewing by those who do choose to view it. Such attempts represent moral fascism, the American Taliban, and Christianofascism in action. They must be resisted to the uttermost. That is the view of the National Consumers Association for the Advancement and Protection of Pornography, Inc., of which I am the founder and president."
No Radical Gay Agenda? Yeah right!

1 comment:

  1. Do gays have sex with animals of the same sex or do they prefer the opposite sex when it comes to animals or do they go either way?


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