Sunday, June 22, 2008

Teacher "brands" student with Cross

I am shocked this teacher has not been arrested for child abuse --

From WND--

A public school board in Ohio voted unanimously today to proceed with firing an eighth-grade teacher for allegedly teaching his Christian beliefs in science classes and "branding" students with crosses.

Responding to an investigation, the Mount Vernon School District board voted 5-0 to consider termination of John Freshwater's contract at its next meeting, July 7.

The report presented to the board today charged Freshwater used a high-frequency generator – a Tesla coil – to make a cross on the arms of students, taught the theory of intelligent design and refused to remove all religious articles from his classroom.

Freshwater and the school board have been sued by the parents of a student who says the teacher violated their son's civil rights by branding him on the arm with a cross. The mark lasted four weeks, the parents claim.

But a spokesman for Freshwater, Dave Daubenmire, downplayed the parents' accusations and called the investigation one-sided, with "old trumped-up charges brought back to the table." More...

Where the hell are the police in this matter? This is child abuse! How in the hell could an educator consider branding a student educational?!?!? Many districts call police if students even get in a fight because of the sissified policy of "no-tolerance."

The teacher and the district could be sure of one thing.... if this were my child the teacher would have no teeth, an imprint of a fist on his jaw and a Cross branded on his forehead! Freshwater's spokesman saying - the investigation is one-sided, with "old trumped-up charges brought back to the table," would earn him at least a shock from a trumped up Taser charge!

For me this case is not about religion - but about the fact a teacher should NOT be placing his hands on a student unless he is lighting their butt with a paddle for misbehaving.

For any holy roller's that feel like commenting - don't give the crap religion should be in schools and the rest of your arguments. They do not work with me - my son goes to a Catholic school.

I could hear some of you guys now - King - if you do that, you will go to jail!

You're DAMN right I would!


  1. Great post, Ralph. I share your sentiments. I think I would boil over if some kook did that to my kid -- be it a cross, or anything else. I wonder if a jury would convict for assault?

  2. Thanks Bill.

    This Christian Kook should not only be tried and hopefully convicted - he should lose his teaching license.

    I would like to think a jury would easily convict this guy. If what the story says is true, I believe the intent of the teacher can be easily established.

  3. Jason Werner asks, "Where do I sign up?"

  4. Hmm, maybe they can start a charter school -- Holy Roller Academy.

    Greg, in a previous comment you mentioned a possible Werner stumble for the White House... this guy might make the short list for VP!


Don't be scared!