Friday, June 20, 2008

Steaming Load Award -- Intolerable foot-dragging Demoncrats

From Politically Incorrect Gazette --

Steaming Load #1: Intolerable Demoncrat foot-dragging on energy independence.

Enough is enough, damn it. For at least 3 decades, the Demoncrats have been allowing the rabid tree huggers to dictate our energy policy. As a direct result, we’ve put most of our proven oil reserves off limits. Making matters worse, the Demoncrat horde, and their willing stooges across the aisle, fund pie-in-the-sky, unproven ‘alternatives’ while banning the real alternative, the real ‘green’ power generating source, nuclear power plants.

Now, with a presidential election reaching critical mass, those dastardly pachyderm punks - not all of them, but a significant majority - are changing the rules. They’re stirring up ‘we the people’ with bills and petitions that demand opening our reserves to production. In addition to 6 bills mired in the Demoncrat controlled congress, the Elephant Clan is getting long overdue support from Oval Office.

Did the Demoncrats heed President Bush’s call to lift the ban on offshore drilling? Sort of, but they’re not jumping on board:

San Fran Nan whines that "We can’t drill our way to energy independence" [We can’t talk our way to it, either, with bull crap about solar and wind energy.]

Mexifornia’s Senatorial Turd, Dianne Feinstein whines about oil spills sullying Mexifornia beaches. [Would you rather have tankers bringing in foreign oil, sullying America’s coasts and harbors, or do we all move into a cave?]

Mexifornia’s action hero governor, a Demoncrat - at heart - and Elephant Clan - on paper - echoes his homegirl, Feinstein. He spews bull crap about oil drilling endangering the state’s coast which is an "international treasure". [We’re not taking any energy policy advice from Rhino whose wife keeps his nads locked in a drawer.]

Messiah Barry, and his eager Capitol Hill Marxists, wants to tax the oil companies out of business. [This takes asinine to record-shattering heights.]

A top Demoncrat, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee, unleashed a gem this week. He wants to nationalize the oil refineries and put job for life bureaucrats in charge of this essential link in the energy chain. [This is so off the cliff stupid that it takes our breath away, but it’s only the beginning. Given his way, Maurice would nationalize the oil companies, too.]

President Reagan said it all when he noted that "government isn’t the solution to the problem.. Government is the problem". Truer words, PIGsters, truer words. We think it’s time to do Ronald Reagan proud and boot these capitalism-hating asshats out of the way and free up our domestic energy resources. The path to energy independence begins with one simple step, flushing these Elected Tormentor butt bullets.

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