Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Barack Obama Exposed

Barack Obama is is exposing himself to be nothing more than a politician. Yes, I am sure the Obamaton's do not yet realize this, but people of sane minds can clearly see him for what he is - "a typical politician."

Supported by "head in your ass" adulation from his Obamacrats and a licentious love fest from the MSM, without fear of being exposed as a fraud & a flip-flopper, Barack Obama morphs into Messiah Barry.

In perpetuating this charade, Messiah Barry is fully aware he must skew the truth in order for him to screw the country.

After serving only 143 days in office and not sponsoring and/or passing one piece of meaningful legislation - the first order of this charade is making the candidate who spun gold look like he has accomplished something meaningful...

From National Review Online --
Barack Obama released his first general election ad on Friday... It’s a well made ad, but it also offers an example of the kind of brazen padding of the resume that Obama will inevitably need to engage in, and which will carry serious risks for him.

About 46 seconds into the ad, we are told that Obama “passed laws” that “extended healthcare for wounded troops who’d been neglected,” and in the usual manner of these political commercials we are given a little citation at the bottom.

The citation reads “Public Law 110-181 1/28/08”. That law is the only federal legislation cited in the ad — the other two items mentioned were from the Illinois legislature and referred to other issues raised in the ad.

Public Law 110-181 was the 2008 defense authorization bill. It passed the Senate by 91 to 3 in January, with six Senators not voting. Among those six absentees was Barack Obama. So he cites a bill he didn’t even vote for.
The next part of this equation is making Obama palatable for all voters. That means even the gun-toting, Bible thumping rednecks he dislikes. For this task they enlisted the help of none other than the American Traitor - John Kerry. Sliding on this foot protection with rubber soles, flip-flops, Messiah Barry continues his hunt to prey on American souls...

From US News --
From where I sit, flip-flopping is an unbeatable addiction for Obama. For McCain, by comparison, it's an occasional foible.
  • He [Obama] ripped Hillary Clinton for months for voting to list Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. Days after Clinton conceded, Obama flipped and said he supported the definition.

  • Obama repeatedly vowed to meet with various heads of terror states—most notably Ahmadinejad of Iran—"without preconditions." Then, with the nomination in sight, he zigzagged: "There's no reason why we would necessarily meet with Ahmadinejad. He's not the most powerful person in Iran."

  • In October, he supported NAFTA expansion. In March, campaigning in the Ohio primary, he called for a "reopening" of the trade pact's terms. This week, he called his own primary rhetoric "overheated" and said NAFTA has had a positive effect on the US economy.

  • Yesterday, after signaling opposition to nuclear power, he told Democratic governors he's open to expanding it."

All Hail the Thief!

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