The Islamikaze cartoonist brigade was again thwarted in their attempts at deliver sharia justice on the Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. Westergaard is the artist who drew the picture of Ole Mo' wearing a bomb-laden turban (a Turbomb) that was responsible for getting the jihadikaze's so worked up in 2008 that they burned Danish flags, torched Danish diplomatic offices in Damascus and Beirut, and caused dozens of deaths in Nigeria, Libya and Pakistan.

In this latest attack police shot an axe-wielding Jihadikaze from Somalia that broke into Westergaard's home...
From Al Jazeera --
Intelligence authorities said the 28-year-old suspect, armed with an axe and knife, had attempted to enter the home of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard in the eastern city of Aarhus late on Friday."[The authorities] found a person and he attacked the police with an axe and a knife. He was shot in the leg and the hand and he is in hospital [now]," he told Al Jazeera .
Officials from the Danish security and intelligence service, Pet, said the suspect, a Danish resident, had close ties to the Somali group, al-Shabab.
"The attempted murder of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is linked to terrorism," the agency said in a statement.
"The person arrested ... has close links with the Somali terrorist organisation al-Shabab as well as with the heads of al-Qaeda in east Africa."
Hmm..... I'm thinking maybe the Danish authorities should review the attack on Fort Hood or the "Flying Fatwah" that just burned his balls off trying to blow up a plane over Detroit to see if there MIGHT be any links to terrorism that U.S. authorities may have missed. (???)
If Ole Mo wearing a Turbomb has their burqua's in a bunch, I wonder what they think about my favorite picture of a Jihadikaze in prayer....

Should have shot him in the nuts then the face.