Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Take the Victimhood/Oppression Rating Test
Be the first one on your block to get your official PIG-certified Oppression Rating. Don't just sit there, Sparky. It's so easy a child could do it, but he, she, heshe or it probably isn't that gullible. Can't wait to get started? That's the spirit, Sparky! Grab a crayon and some construction paper, answer PIG's Oppression Rating Test and you'll soon have exclusive bragging rights to your very own oppression rating. Think of all the fun you'll have after you're armed with this incontrovertible proof of your victimhood. Thanks to your oppressor rating, you can dazzle your homies, torture the neighborhood oppressor and make everyone's life as miserable as yours.
Crayons ready? Let's get started with an easy one:
Q1: Are you female?
Y=Give yourself 75 points.
N=Give yourself 50 points.
Q2: Are you Asian?
Y=Score doesn't change; skip to Q10.
N=No points on this one, Sparky...better luck on the next question.
Q3: Are you an Amerikan-Born Hispanic?Y=Add 5 points; skip to Q10.
N=Hang in there Sparky.
Q4: Are you a foreign born and Melanin-Enriched (Korrectniks prefer African-American)?
Y=Add 10 points; Skip to Q10.
N=Don't give up on yourself, Sparky.
Q5: Are you a Green Carded or Naturalized Hispanic?
Y=add 15 points; Skip to Q10.
N=No points on this one, Sparky, but you're heading for the Oppression Rating stratosphere.
Q6: Are you in this country illegally?
Y=We're shocked, shocked I tell you. Add 20 points; Skip to Q10.
N=It's make it or break it time Sparky.
Q7: Are you Amerikan born and Melanin-Enriched?
Y=Jackpot! Add 25 points; Skip to Q10.
N=Bummer! You were this close to the oppression index winner's circle.
Q8: Are you a caucasian female?
Y=Subtract 45 points; skip to Q10.
N=You're skating on thin ice, Sparky.
Q9: Are you a caucasian male whose name ends in 'ski'?
Y=Subtract 50 points.
N=If you're an unhypenated, straight, white male your ass is outta here, oppressor breath. Tear up your scorecard and leave quietly. Don't make us come over there.
Q10: Are you a conservative?
Y=Divide score by 2 and let that be a lesson to you.
N= Score unchanged, Comrade Sparky.
Q11: Are you a GLAAD BAAG (PIG-speak for the differently-heterosexual)?
Y=Add 10 points.
N=What's your problem, Sparky? Isn't it about time you took a walk on the wild side?
Q12: Are you a known "race traitor", "sellout" and/or any other type of "self-hating" ethnic dweeb?
Y= The PIG Oppression Rating central committee hereby declares you an oppressor. Tear up your score card and leave the room quietly.
N= Still with us, Sparky? Find a rational adult to help you total your score, then get ready to thrill everyone on your block with your Oppression Rating.
Below 25 - Pathetic. How do you stand yourself, Sparky?
25 to 49 - No cigar, Sparky, but you're in the victimhood hunt.
50-74 - Now you're talking, Sparky!
75 and Up - You're so damned oppressed it makes us puddle up. Go forth and make those oppressors miserable.
Is State Auditor Mary Taylor Chickening Out?
I understand she may have been worried about the size of her campaign chest and that the dolts in the ORP were not supporting her enough. Like that's a surprise!
The PD --
State Auditor Mary Taylor will not seek re-election and instead will be introduced Thursday as the running mate for Republican gubernatorial hopeful John Kasich, a GOP source told The Plain Dealer. More....
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Top 10 Reasons for Gun Control
Publishers Note: The following was lifted from Just John at Write On The Right who in turn, lifted it from Robert at American And Proud
Top Ten Reasons For Gun "Control":1.) Guns are used in self-defense over 2 million times a year. However, this makes the attempted crime a “non-event,” which necessarily complicates the Police investigation. Without civilian ownership of guns, these Police investigations would not have been compromised. Civilians should leave crime prevention to the Police, who are properly equipped to investigate following the crime’s completion.
2.) Some .004 % (4/1000 of 1%) of guns are used in crime each year. This is way too high. All guns should be banned.
3.) Guns are unnecessary. In 98% of civilian gun defenses, no shot is fired. If you are not going to fire a shot, you clearly don’t need a gun. This proves that the guns are unnecessary. Banning guns will prevent these unnecessary defenses.4.) Guns cause criminal migration. In tough gun-law Washington, D. C., violent crime rates are very high. This high crime rate is caused by the migration of criminals from gun havens like Virginia. This migration is caused by the criminal’s cowardly avoidance of armed householders and concealed-carry civilians. This criminal migration is detrimental to helpless unarmed citizens in no-gun areas and must be stopped. Guns should be banned everywhere.
5.) Most gun crimes are committed by inner city gangs and drug dealers. These relatively small and geographically restricted groups consistently commit the majority of gun crimes, which usually peak as turf wars erupt over Drug War changes. The best way to prevent this is by denying guns to all law abiding people everywhere.
6.) No woman needs to protect herself from rape, assault or murder. The Police will protect women by investigating the crime after the fact. Remember, Police paperwork is all the protection anyone really needs.
7.) Gun owners are disrespectful of authority. Good citizens should completely rely on the authorities. A failure to do so is an invariable sign of improper and overly independent attitudes. Failure to completely and absolutely trust and depend on the authorities is excessive democracy, and sends a bad message to children.8.) Gun owners engaging in self-defense are taking the law into their own hands. This is wrong. Only the Police and Criminals have the right to take the law into their own hands. It should be kept out of the hands of citizens.
9.) Children and young people should remain ignorant about guns. Real guns and real gun knowledge dissipate the fantasies created by violent video games and TV. Ignorance, once lost, can never be restored and needs to be protected. Not to mention the lost sales of all the violent movies, TV shows, video games, etc!
10.) Guns reduce people’s reliance on the Police and Government. This fosters a mistaken belief in “rights”. No person has the right to question authority. No person should be less than 100% dependent upon authority. This is fundamental to social order. Banning guns will help to establish the Order the authorities want. This is good.Gun Control – Simple Solutions for Simple Minds.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Immigration Agency in Chicago is Front for Terrorism
First World's owner, Tahawwur Hussain Rana, also knew in advance of plans for the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, India, which killed 172 people, federal prosecutors allege.
Randall Samborn, spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago, said last week that federal authorities are working to determine the Immigration status of people who entered the U.S. with the agency's help. The alleged plot is one of several cases raising new concerns about U.S.-based terror plots.
Rana, who also owns a grocery store in Chicago and a halal meat plant in Kinsman, Ill., is in federal custody. He was arrested in October, along with another Chicagoan, David Coleman Headley, an alleged scout in the Denmark and Mumbai plots.
Federal prosecutors allege that Rana, 48, helped Headley scout the newspaper's offices in Copenhagen and several other potential targets for terrorism by arranging to secure travel visas for Headley. Headley, 49, then allegedly posed as an agent of First World hoping to place an ad at the newspaper.
In e-mail conversations, Rana advised an alleged member of the militant Paskistani organization Lashkar-e-Taiba about "loopholes" to get individuals into the U.S., court filings say. The group is believed to have carried out the Mumbai attacks. (Chicago Tribune)
Rana & Headley are expected to be guests of honor at the next Red Shed on the Hill "Breakfast with Barack."
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Top 25 Politicians to watch in 2010
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.)
He’s only in his first term, but Grayson’s smash-mouth partisan style and penchant for making provocative statements have already made him one of the most recognizable House Democrats. While he’s won a dedicated following among progressives, back home he still has some distance to go to secure a second term in his highly competitive seat.
Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.)Davis, who is vying to become the first African-American governor in the Deep South since Reconstruction, has an amazingly delicate balancing act in front of him. First he must win over skeptics in the Alabama Democratic establishment to capture the party nomination in the June primary. But he must do it without compromising his ability to compete as a black candidate in a conservative state where President Obama and the national Democratic agenda are highly unpopular. If Davis manages the feat, he’ll have rewritten all the rules of Southern politics.
Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.)The little-known and quirky Republican, whose second tour of House duty has been marked by frequent departures from conservative orthodoxy, is in jeopardy of being ousted from his seat in South Carolina’s June primary. If he loses, chances are high that it will rekindle—or advance—the narrative about a GOP civil war. And that’s not what Republicans want to be talking about five months out from the midterm election.
Maine State Senate President Libby Mitchell (D)The only woman ever to have served as both a state House Speaker and a state Senate president, Mitchell is now reaching for the trifecta with her 2010 bid to be governor. She’s currently the Democratic frontrunner in a crowded field for the open seat; if she wins, women would hold three of the four seats in Maine’s congressional delegation and the governorship.
Marco Rubio (R)Rubio, a former state House Speaker, has managed to turn the GOP primary for Florida’s open Senate seat from a blowout to a barnburner. In the process of challenging Republican Gov. Charlie Crist—and the national GOP establishment—the youthful Cuban-American has emerged as a favorite of national conservatives and stoked the debate over the direction of the party.
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)After presiding over a hugely successful 2008 election cycle as Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman, Van Hollen must now figure out how to limit the party’s losses in what’s likely to be a tough midterm election. The extent to which he holds down the damage will have a significant effect on his House leadership trajectory.
Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.)He hasn’t even been sworn into office yet, but as a result of his runaway November victory McDonnell is already being touted as one of the GOP’s leading lights and a model for how Republican candidates can win in competitive states.
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.)With a House ethics committee investigation hanging over him, the powerful Ways and Means Committee chairman could emerge as a serious election-year headache for Democratic leadership—and for vulnerable junior members of the caucus, especially if the GOP gets traction with its message that Rangel is symptomatic of a majority that has been corrupted by its power.
Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.)The only Hispanic member of an elected leadership team where the three top Democrats are all at least 69 years old, Becerra, 51, appears to have a bright future in the House. His moves on the recently-introduced immigration reform bill could help determine just how bright.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)DeMint is carving out a niche in the Senate as a conservative’s conservative, one who is willing to step on toes on either side of the aisle as he creates his own alternate power base. He is plugged into the tea party movement and, though he has his own re-election to worry about this year, has nevertheless become a patron of conservative candidates across the country looking to challenge candidates favored by the Republican establishment.
Gov. Deval Patrick (D-Mass.)Patrick’s popularity has plummeted after missteps and a devastating budget crisis, and he now faces the prospect of a tough three-way race for re-election to a second term. In ways both large and small, however, the White House has signaled that it has no intent of letting Patrick, the president’s friend and an early supporter, go down without a fight.
California Attorney General Jerry Brown (D)Yes, it’s that Jerry Brown—the former California governor who served two terms beginning in the mid-1970s and made three failed bids for the White House. Nearly 40 years after his first statewide win, Brown is the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for governor.
Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.)Still in his first term and warmly regarded on the right for his epic 2004 victory over former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, Thune is beginning to draw notice from his colleagues and other veteran Republicans as an articulate conservative who can effectively hammer the Democratic majority with a smile on his face. He's likely to face only nominal opposition in his re-election this fall and could surface as a presidential contender from the GOP’s establishment wing.
Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden (D)The son of the vice president, Biden’s decision on whether or not to run for Delaware’s open Senate seat could affect the upper chamber’s balance of power. If he decides against challenging GOP Rep. Mike Castle, his father’s old seat is almost certain to fall into Republican hands.
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.)Though Dodd remains a key legislative player, the situation back home is dire: The non-partisan Cook Political Report ranks the five-term Democrat’s seat as “lean Republican,” making his seat, at the moment, the single best pickup opportunity out of all the 37 Senate seats that are up for election in 2010.
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas)Sessions, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, has the wind at his back going into the 2010 midterm elections. But he still has a tough year ahead of him. He must harness the energy of grassroots conservative populists—no easy feat since many will be frustrated and disappointed after the primary season is over—and figure out a way to finance GOP incumbents and challengers in an election year when the NRCC figures to be at a considerable financial disadvantage.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)The polling data out of Nevada is grim, and his job shepherding the Democratic agenda through the Senate links his fate to the national political environment. But almost no one is ready to count out Reid in his bid for a fifth term because it’s not clear yet that the GOP has a challenger capable of taking him down and Reid will have more than enough money to remind voters of his clout.
Sarah Palin (R)Virtually any Republican mentioned as a 2012 presidential contender warrants watching. But few have the star power or ability to drive headlines like the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee—and none of them will be in as high demand on the 2010 campaign trail as Palin.
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s re-election remains in jeopardy, attention will inevitably drift—or be pulled—in Schumer’s direction. His role in building the party’s 60-seat Senate supermajority and his emergence as a dominant political force in New York and Washington makes Schumer-as-majority-leader speculation unavoidable, even with the formidable presence of Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)The only Southern Senate Democratic incumbent who is up for re-election this year, Lincoln has the uniquely difficult challenge of running in a state where John McCain crushed Barack Obama by 20 points in 2008. If she defies the polls—which show her seat is in jeopardy—and wins a third term, Democratic statewide candidates across the South will look to her campaign for lessons.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas)For much of the last year, Cornyn’s job as National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman has been an unpleasant one, marked by GOP retirements in swing states and sharp criticism from grassroots conservatives who are unhappy with the NRSC’s direction. But an election cycle that once looked hostile to the GOP has suddenly taken a turn for the better and Cornyn is poised to claim a lion’s share of the credit if the GOP ends up whittling down the 60-seat Democratic Senate majority.
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus and a key progressive voice, Lee is increasingly occupying the spotlight on a range of issues—including Afghanistan and the public option—that seem to conflict with White House interests. In an election year where many Democrats are preaching caution and legislative timidity, Lee may find the environment even more frustrating.
Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.)While there’s no scandal or single overarching issue dogging the first-term GOP senator, Burr has been plagued by stubbornly weak poll ratings in a competitive Southern state. As such, Burr makes for a good 2010 bellwether. If the national environment is as promising as Republican strategists think, then Burr shouldn’t have much trouble winning a second term.
Rod Blagojevich (D)The corruption trial of the impeached former Democratic governor of Illinois—just in time to detonate in the middle of the state’s heated contests for governor and Senate. Already, the race for Barack Obama’s old Senate seat is considered a toss-up in this blue state, a predicament that can be traced directly to Blagojevich.
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo (D)Cuomo has been coy about his intentions but polls show he’d easily defeat wounded Gov. David Paterson in a Democratic primary. If he does challenge the state’s first African American governor, the contest will be a messy one: many black leaders haven’t forgotten Cuomo’s bruising 2002 primary campaign against Carl McCall, the state comptroller who at the time was vying to become New York’s first African-American governor.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Steaming Loads of the Year Award: An Overflowing Bowl of Noxious Floaters
From Politically Incorrect Gazette --
Steaming Loads of the Year Award
Steaming Load: We closed out 2009 with our bowl overflowing with the most noxious turds any of us has ever seen.
Turd 1: The 111th Congress is the most vile collection of scum-sucking, shit-spewing, rat bastards who ever swilled from the public trough. Instead of a government of, by and for We the People, our Elected Tormentors are reshaping a neo-Marxist Amerika which is of them, by them, and exclusively for them, but paid for with the life, liberty and property of We the People.
Turd 2: Our Elected Tormentors swear to "preserve, protect, and defend" our Constitution then spend every waking minute, "relinquishing, scuttling, and surrendering" it. Too many of our Elected Tormentors view the United States Constitution as a historical relic which impedes their grandiose scheme for a Marxist Eden which they will rule with benevolent tyranny.
Turd 3: Cash for Clunkers is an apt name for the "pay for play" whores on Capitol Hill. Like all ‘clunkers’, these Capitol Hill cretins are past their prime, no longer capable of performing their assigned - Constitutionally-defined - functions, and cost a lot more than they’re worth to maintain. If they want to whore themselves out, let them stand on a street corner and ply their trade like the rest of the skanks.
Turd 4: The Obamunist rat bastards and their word games are really pissing us off.
Janet Come Lately won’t use the ‘T’ word to describe Jihadikazes and their antics - AKA ‘Man caused disasters’. On the other hand, she has no compunction about pinning a ‘terrorism’ label on Tea Parties and is downright eager to vilify Tea Party Patriots, and our returning warriors as ‘terrorists’.
Messiah Barry ties his tongue into rhetorical knots in his mindless zeal to avoid pinning a ‘terrorist attack’ label on the Fort Hood Jihadikaze’s rampage.
Obamunists from sea to shining sea, especially those in the MSM, who deemed opposition to Vicente Bush "free speech", vilify any/all opposition to Messiah Barry’s frontal assault on our inalienable liberty as "racism".
Turd 5: Prompter Punk needs to man up and START DOING HIS F-ING JOB.
I’ve had it with his malignant "America sucks, but it’s George Bush’s fault, not mine" narcissism.
I’ve had it with his refusal to be accountable for anything/everything that happens on his watch.
I’ve had it with this unrelenting bullshit. If you don’t have anything useful to say, then SIT DOWN and STFU.
Turd 6: The empty suits who wear the GOP label need to do more than shake their heads and intone "See, we told you that THEY suck more than we do." It’s time to put these pachyderm posers out to pasture and replace them with sovereign individuals who will do a LOT MORE than give lip service to a small, properly-Constitutional government whose only task is maximizing our inalienable individual liberty.
The FSOP says that 2010 is a perfect time for a 21st Century Thomas Jefferson to energize all sovereign American individuals with an updated Declaration of Independence.
The FSOP says that flushing these rancid turds isn’t enough. We need to mount a Second American Revolution while we still can.
Man the barricades? You better believe it, I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore Sparky.
Perpetrated by: Hambo
Girlieman of the Year Award: Messiah Barry
Girlieman of the Year
Date Awarded: December 31, 2009
Girlieman: Messiah Barry
Girlie Antics: Passing the buckWhen he put up his ‘the buck stops here’ sign in the Oval Office, President Harry S. Truman, unintentionally, set the POTUS accountability bar very high for his successors. Unintentionally? You bet, because President Truman embedded the idea in the minds of We the People, making us demand Truman-like POTUS accountability from every occupant of the Oval Office.
In the years that followed Truman’s Oval Office tenure, his successors faced this challenge squarely, with mixed results, the most notable failures being Tricky Dicky, Jihad Jimmy, and Bubba. As bad as they were, none of them came close to the current Finger Pointer In Chief.
When it comes to passing the buck Prompter Punk is in a class by himself. Voting ‘present’ is his favorite move, one that his willing toadies in the mainstream media aid and abet, with their steadfast refusal to ask Messiah Barry any hard questions. Is it any wonder that Messiah Barry’s instinctive response to any crisis rejects Harry Truman’s "the buck stops here" and embraces, instead, Bart Simpson’s "I didn’t do it"? Nope.
Hunkered down in his reality-proof Red Shed bunker, Messiah Barry is determined to keep voting present, no matter what happens on his watch. The latest airborne terrorist attack, on Flight 253, is a prime example of Blame-Shifting Barry in action. If this gutless wonder has his way, he’ll make you believe that Vicente W. Bush, personally, handed the Nigerian Jihadikaze his boarding pass in Amsterdam. He’ll insist that it was none other than Dick "Darth" Cheney who passed the underwear bomber through the security checkpoint in Amsterdam.
This isn’t breaking news, nor should it be, because Blame-Shifting Barry has been playing this "Bush did it" game all year. Double-digit unemployment? Bush did it. Runaway government spending? Bush did it. A plummeting dollar? Bush did it. The subprime mortgage debacle? Bush did it. Trillion dollar federal deficits, forever? Bush did it. A powerless, impoverished America which is wide open to Jihadikaze assaults? Bush did it. Appeasement on steroids? Bush held a gun to Barry’s head and MADE him do it.
If all the key decisions are being made by Vicente W. Bush anyway, why the f**k do we need this Dumbo-eared Marxist Messiah loser? As much as he pissed me off, the Cowboy was/is still a significant improvement over this COMMIE. It’s time for rational American adults to evict Blame-Shifting Barry from our misery. Hit the road, Jackass, and let us put someone with a full set of balls in charge.
Admittedly, it’s a memorable, "WELL DUH", moment in the PIGdom, but a pagan scribbler has to do what a pagan scribbler has to do. For resetting the bar on gutless and girlie, Messiah Barry Obama is the Politically Incorrect Gazette’s Girlieman of the Year.
Rocket Launcher found in TX Apartment, Muslim owner Not Charged
Given the current climate we face with Islamic terrorists quickly becoming emboldened with their full frontal assault on our country, our freedoms & for what we stand, what took place next will leave you speechless!
From Global Terror Alert --
The woman did tell police that the rocket launcher belonged to Nabilaye I. Yansane, someone whom she allowed to store items at her apartment.
Police records show that she didn’t want Yansane at her apartment, so she called them.
According to court documents, officers also found Jihadist writings that allegedly belonged to Yansane. The woman didn’t want to talk to KPRC Local 2 about that, either.
Yansane was charged with criminal trespassing and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to three days in jail, which he has already served. No charges related to the rocket launcher or writings were filed.
“Other people could have had access to the apartment, so maybe if a rocket launcher was located there, as is stated in the offense report, maybe it belonged to somebody else,” attorney Garl Polland said.
If an Army base in the States were to be attacked by a sleeper agent portraying himself as a U.S. soldier, a NC State Senator supporting Islamic groups & U.S. based radical clerics calling for attacks on more Army bases in the states, or if someone tried blowing up a plane over Detroit in the name of Islam this might be considered a serious concern.
But nope.... turned out to be just another run-of-the-mill guy who had a muslim name with jihadist writings on his computer that unfortunately happened to live where "somebody else" may have accidentally left their rocket launcher in the apartment.
Note: (So I don't leave my rocker launcher laying around, I use one of those cool little retractable things on my key chain. I hate losing my launcher.)
The video (click here for video) of this incredible security failure is even better! The ass-hat prosecutors claim they did not charge Yansane with other charges because there are no state charges for an unarmed rocket launcher or possessing Jihadist writings, unless they contain some type of threat.
I guess only if you call yourself a Tea Party Patriot or 9.12 member, carry one of Glenn Becks books or a copy of the U.S. Constitution are you considered a threat!
Jihadikaze shot in Danish Cartoonist's Home
The Islamikaze cartoonist brigade was again thwarted in their attempts at deliver sharia justice on the Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. Westergaard is the artist who drew the picture of Ole Mo' wearing a bomb-laden turban (a Turbomb) that was responsible for getting the jihadikaze's so worked up in 2008 that they burned Danish flags, torched Danish diplomatic offices in Damascus and Beirut, and caused dozens of deaths in Nigeria, Libya and Pakistan.

In this latest attack police shot an axe-wielding Jihadikaze from Somalia that broke into Westergaard's home...
From Al Jazeera --
Intelligence authorities said the 28-year-old suspect, armed with an axe and knife, had attempted to enter the home of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard in the eastern city of Aarhus late on Friday."[The authorities] found a person and he attacked the police with an axe and a knife. He was shot in the leg and the hand and he is in hospital [now]," he told Al Jazeera .
Officials from the Danish security and intelligence service, Pet, said the suspect, a Danish resident, had close ties to the Somali group, al-Shabab.
"The attempted murder of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is linked to terrorism," the agency said in a statement.
"The person arrested ... has close links with the Somali terrorist organisation al-Shabab as well as with the heads of al-Qaeda in east Africa."
Hmm..... I'm thinking maybe the Danish authorities should review the attack on Fort Hood or the "Flying Fatwah" that just burned his balls off trying to blow up a plane over Detroit to see if there MIGHT be any links to terrorism that U.S. authorities may have missed. (???)
If Ole Mo wearing a Turbomb has their burqua's in a bunch, I wonder what they think about my favorite picture of a Jihadikaze in prayer....

Who is Ken Lanci / Candidate for Cuyahoga County Executive?
Most of us in Cuyahoga County have received a mailer by Ken Lanci declaring his candidacy for Cuyahoga County Executive. This mailer was either a brilliant piece of literature or a sad sign of what his candidacy may bring.
In politics, name recognition and publicity are very important and this mailer, for those who haven't tossed it, has people going to his site and asking, "Who the hell is Ken Lanci?" Other than a picture of fireworks, his web address, and claiming he was an independent, the mailer was just about blank.
Timmy "The Teen Tickler" Russo of Blogger Interrupted, and a candidate for Cuyahoga County Council, has graciously taken some time out from trying to destroy our country with socialism and did some research on Lanci with the following post at the Progressive pit of hell - Plundertard.....
It seems pretty hypocritical to me that the "if you didn't vote for Obama you're a racist" lefties are upset a candidate would reach out to the black community. Last I checked they live in Cuyahoga County too.Anthony gets a mailer, and immediately declares it the worst political campaign piece of the coming cycle.
And thus begins the self funded campaign of Ken Lanci for Cuyahoga County executive. Lanci’s website does have lots of words that do sound like a mattress sale. But one name leaps off the website, from the bio page.
Ken Lanci has also been actively involved in Project Love for the past thirteen years. In 2009, he accepted an invitation to act as Co-Chairman of the organization’s Remember the Children Foundation. He currently serves with Co-Chairman Arnold Pinkney.In fact, Pinkney’s is the only political name listed anywhere on the site. Now why would that be? Arnold Pinkney is Cleveland’s designated hired gun for anyone wanting to “get” the “black community”, for whatever corporate backed initiative that happens to be on the ballot. Most recently, Pinkney was Dan Gilbert’s window dressing for the Issue 3 casino measure. Like all such self-funded candidates who think they’re gonna fool voters, this “independent” schtick is Lanci’s entire reason for being.
Not knowing much about Lanci I won't call his campaign a farce like Issue 6 was, just yet. But by looking at who he has given campaign contributions, Lanci belongs in the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County where donating to both sides is almost like a prerequisite for your social club membership card....
The nice thing about such matters is that there’s always the FEC website to see just how “aligned with any political party” Ken Lanci actually is. And shock, horror, in 2008 Lanci gave a whopping $5,000 to the McCain Palin Ohio Victory Fund, and another $5,000 to the Ohio GOP in the final weeks of the campaign. Other interesting donations – Lanci gave $2,300 to Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman’s primary challenge to Democrat Dennis Kucinich. This year, Lanci gave $1,000 to Lee Fisher’s Senate primary campaign, proving yet again that Republicans REALLY want Lee Fisher to win this primary. Then it’s off to the Ohio Secretary of State database! Where we learn that Lanci gave $1,000 to Ken Blackwell in 2005.Other than exposing themselves as closet racists, the post on Lanci would have been some great insight on this candidate. But then Timmy shows his jealousy of the Tea Party's, which Lanci has no association with, by calling Lanci a closet Tea Bagger. I find this ironic as Timmy is out of the closet and being a "tea baggee" or "tea bagger" is one of his favorite past times with his friends.
To be fair, there’s a smattering of donations to Democrats, which all appear to either be attempts to feather his own nest, like the donation to no-hope gubernatorial candidate in 2002 Tim Hagan, or attempts to ratf**k Democrats; like donating to primary Dennis, or put up weak candidates to face a Republican in the fall, like Lee Fisher.
The dates on Lanci’s McCain-Palin contributions, 10/22/2008, and 11/03/2008, are telling. If you’re willing to flush $10,000 down the McCain Palin toilet in the last weeks before the election, after all of this, that makes you a borderline teabagger.