Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Frosty the Melting RPCC Chairman

Republican Party of Cuyahoga County (RPCC) Chairman Rob Frost has emailed a letter to RPCC members giving his version of the PD article regarding the recent exodus of 5 GOP Mayors and a Juvenile Judge from the RPCC to the Cuyahoga County Democrat Party.

In trying to further his charade as an effective RPCC Chairman, Frost tries “spinning” the events too make the RPCC look good while portraying him as an effective and strong leader. Spin is to be expected from a party chairman, but being deceitful, misrepresenting the truth and conveniently leaving out information - will no longer be tolerated. If our party is ever going to rise above the basement dwelling results we so readily accept, this behavior cannot and will not be tolerated.

In the response Frost takes pride that none of these Mayors had the RPCC endorsement in the last election cycle. Frost tries to explain away the Mayors leaving the RPCC as inconsequential.
Truth is Mayor Lansky refused the RPCC endorsement during his last election. In Patton’s last election, 2 yrs ago, he did receive a contested party endorsement over a good long time loyal party member. Frost supported Patton’s endorsement over this long time member. *** Note also how Frost points out Patton supported a Democrat over State Representative Josh Mandel two years ago also. ***

Frost takes pride in stating 84% of our RPCC endorsed candidates won office in 2007. By not giving supporting documentation, this is nothing more than creative math from a desperate chairman. I would be more than happy to see the phantom formula and which races he used to create this percentage. I will guarantee it is not reflective of, and does not include, races in which we did not have a candidate and does include races where our endorsed candidate had no opposition.

Looking at this years upcoming county judicial races - if every one of our candidates is elected the best we can achieve is a 30% success rate. Why? Because we only have candidates running for 5 of the 17 judicial races. So before the first ballot is cast in November - we are already 0-12.

Performance output such as this and purposely skewing the numbers in attempts to mislead Central Committee & Executive Committee members should not be rewarded, but a reference for reprimand.

Noting there are 41 Democrat Mayors and only 16 Republicans Mayors in Cuyahoga County, Democrat Party Chairman Jimmy Dimora is quoted in the PD article describing Frost as… “ineffective and probably the worst chairman the RPCC ever had.”

Unable to cite any of his accomplishments in his four years of floundering as RPCC Chairman, Frosty is relegated to citing problems in the State & National Democrat Party, the democrat presidential candidates and the less than stellar performance of Kucinich in the 10th District Primary.

But it gets much worse....

Frost has allowed and has REFUSED to address these same issues in his own party. His superstar candidate for Commissioner, Mayor Sutherland, against the wishes of the RPCC rank & file members publicly supported the forced sales tax increase of the Democrat County Commissioners for the ill-fated Med Mart project. In fact most of the Republican Mayors in Cuyahoga County endorsed the Med Mart sales tax increase - against the wishes of most RPCC members.

Candidate for County Recorder and North Royalton Mayor at the time, Cathy Luks, publicly supported a democrat over an endorsed RPCC candidate in the past election for Parma Municipal Court. This was known to Frost - but he did nothing!

A letter was sent on February 6, 2008 asking Frost, as our Chairman, to support motions of censure on several people in our party for donating to Democrats in violation of the RPCC by laws. While taking issue with Dimora for this behavior in his party, the letter sits unanswered.

In fairness to the people about to be named, I attempted to privately discuss this with Frost several times but was rebuked.

So I ask - Chairman Frost, if Zannoti supporting Sutherland means the Democrat Party is in disarray, how would you describe your derelict reign of the RPCC knowing the following individuals are supporting Democrats?

  • Richard Pogue (Executive Committee, Finance Committee - Chairman) for donating $2000 to democrat candidate Joe Cimperman and $4600 to Barbra Ferris. Plus a handful of Democrat judges over the years.

  • Bill Summers (Executive Committee, Finance Committee - Vice Chair) Donated $2000 to Cimperman.

  • Domenic Visconsi (Executive Committee) for donating $2000 to democrat candidate Joe Cimperman.

  • Dave Gunning (Executive Committee, Central Committee, Rules Committee -Chairman, Governance Committee - Vice Chair, State Central Committee District 21, RPCC Central Committee) for donating $2300 to democrat candidate Joe Cimperman.

  • Mal Mixon (Executive Committee / Candidate Central Committee) Routinely gives money to HARRY RIED & CHARLIE WRANGEL!

  • Roger Synenberg - (Executive Committee, Legal Counsel for Central Committee, Former Executive Director of BOE, Former RPCC Chairman) - Has given MANY donation to Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Dennis Kucinich, Ken Yuko, along with Marc Dann & Jennifer Brunner during their last election Has also given to many democrat judges.

  • Judge Joan Synenberg - (Cuyahoga County Judge) - given to Dennis & Stephanie Tubbs. Claim this money was for their support in judge race.

  • Dave Harbarger (Vice Chair Executive Committee, Central Committee, Former Lakewood Mayor, Parliamentarian for RPCC Meetings) Gave $500 to Sherrod Brown during his last election.

  • Cathy Luks (Former North Royalton Mayor, Executive & Central Committee, and Candidate for County Recorder) Publicly endorsed democrat candidate for judge in Parma this last election over an endorsed RPCC candidate.

These donations can be verified at - Open Secrets & The Federal Election Commission.

Mr. Chairman - the floor is yours...


  1. Very good post, King.

    You are right. Frost has done a terrible job and his math is very creative. Hopefully something like what is happening in Summit County where Republicans are clamoring for new leadership will happen in Cuyahoga County.

  2. I remember Dave H's posts from the old Right Angle Blog. That he donated to Sherrod Brown while blasting conservatives about party unity comes as no shock to me. What a hypocrite and a leftist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Interesting posting.

    So King, are you ready to give $88 in 08? Giving money to these clowns is like playing the lottery. Nope, none of my money is going to the ORP; I’ll stick to giving to individual candidates.

    The bottom-line when it comes to leadership is that it starts from the top; it’s time we changed out the number one guy in the ORP. When we get rid of Bennett, the Frosts of this state will fall shortly there after.

  5. hamburger has also given to lawson Jones (i wonder who he'll support in the commissioner race?) and Dean depiero.

  6. Mr. King,

    Have you ever thought about running for chariman of our party? It appears you are the only one in our party to stand up for what is right. You seem to be the only one that does not back down and are willing to stand your ground.

    We need a person like you to turn our party around. I have spoken with several other in the party and they agree. I think you won many hearts in our party when you spoke at the end of the last central committee meeting.

    I for one will never volunteer again or attend anymore fundraisers until their is a leadership change.

    I cannot bring myself to vote for Sutherland due to the damage she has caused our party. After reading the above post, I cannot vote for Luks either.

    I want to stay involved and continue volunteeirng on campaigns, but there is nobody I believe in enough to help.

    This is very upsetting!

    Thank you for letting me vent on your blog. I feel a little better now.

  7. Ralph:
    Thanks for your continuing documentation of the RPCC's never-ending trail of tears... the reality of local Republicans donating to Democrats has more to do with protecting and maintaining business and political concerns for the donor. I recognize your dismay, but many of the donors would be foolish to not support certain politicians as a way of protecting their own interests.
    That being said, the real problem here is a party leadership that lacks the ability to do anything but maintain the status quo or contribute to the party's deterioration. If our party leaders were able to nurture and develop candidates the likelihood is that local GOPers would not need to support Democrats because there would be Republicans in those offices.
    Keep it up!

  8. W-

    If that's how those GOP'ers feel (i.e., protecting their business interests), that's fine. The problem is when they are party officials. They should have to prioritize. Would they rather donate to Dems and protect their business interests, or do they want to be party officials/leaders (which would entail not giving $$$ to Dems)? Under our current leadership they're being allowed to have their cake (by donating to Dems) and eat it too (by being allowed to stay in control of the party). To me, that's unacceptable.


  9. Anon -

    I am humbled by your suggestion. But I would have to decline. I am not in this to be our chairman, just to improve our party and rid of us hypocrites.

  10. Ideological purity doesn't pay the bills. Where are the donors who want that purity and are able and willing to replace the self-interested types who don't? Show me the money!

  11. and where have these money men gotten us?

  12. I bet the country clubbers are trying to play both sides (probably similar to how they are party leaders but give to Dems). The only thing that matters to them (besides their pocketbooks) is keeping their clique in control.

  13. Anon you must be a member of the ever famous, unproductive, self-absorbed RPCC Social Club.

    Ideological purity doesn’t pay the bills…. Who’s bills?

    Do you mean the bloated overhead of rent and utilities for the RPCC HQ that you can‘t park at? Or do you mean the salary of the over paid / under performing Chairman Frosty the Melting Snowman? He has collected 4yrs of salary and we are still waiting for him to do his job. Damn - I would be happy if he even acted like a man for that matter.

    While this may be hard for you to believe but the RPCC does not exist to pay for an unproductive part time chairman. Which by the way he said he wouldn’t be.

    Surely you are not implying a great portion of this money goes towards candidates -- if you check you will see only a small percentage is used for candidates. Most goes to salary, rent, utilities and operating expenses. If the type of HQ was based on performance we would have a discarded dryer box!

    Anon would integrity fit in your equation anywhere? Or does the P in RPCC stand for Prostitute? Are we the Republican Prostitute Party of Cuyahoga County?

    Where are the donors who want purity? Sitting at home laughing at the repeated failures of you guys. Why the hell would they give money to support a party that’s structure is so politically and morally bankrupt?

    Of course people with the integrity of a chicken shit pissant (YOU) care nothing about values. No you whore the party and screw the volunteers who put their heart & soul into our party for your own personal gain.

    I am guessing you will be like Frost and not respond, but I will give it a shot…

    Name one thing the RPCC has done that has improved Cuyahoga County in the last 20 yrs?

    Name one thing Frost and his party officers have done in his last 4 years that positively improved the party? (Dick Pogue covering his over bloated salary does not count)

    Name the last non-judicial RPCC candidate that was successful countywide?
    (Successful means wins / not does good or gets a good vote total)

    So please tell me what exactly has this money brought? Frosts salary?

    Are you saying if the money guys pull out then we will lose elections, be non-effective and non-existent? Excuse me - we already are!

    The money you sell yourself and our party out for sure as hell does not go to candidates! Ask some of the former candidates! But of course you guys always seem to blame the candidate for running a bad election and then use your time honored bullshit, whining excuse of, “It’s Cuyahoga County, they are all democrats.”

    I agree that it is difficult to win a county race in Cuyahoga County, especially when our party has sold the voters and party members down the river, but please explain how our Republican Party officers giving too and supporting Democrats helps our cause?

    Please explain to all the people who work their damn hearts out for you assholes why they should continue volunteering when our party officers are continually working against their efforts?

    Go ahead tell them how their hard work is only to pay for a pretty HQ and a bloated salary for an unproductive chairman who cannot control his party officers or win a race.

    Or for that matter have the balls to call someone back!

  14. Wow King!

    Do you ever pull punches?

    I agree that these guys need to go!


Don't be scared!