Saturday, April 19, 2008

Support the CARTER Act

Former President Peanut may finally get his slack-jaw wired shut. Against the wishes of the U.S., Israel and many other countries, Carter met with top Hamas officials on his 2008 Terrorist Tour through the Mid-East.

On this Terrorist Tour Carter visited the grave site of PLO founder Yasser Arafat. Calling him a close friend, Carter described Arafat as a "peace fighter". Setting the international stage his Terrorist Tour created for the jihadikazes - Carter called Israel a bunch of criminals.

Having heard Jihadikaze Jimmy drawl enough insults about our allies and sing never ending praise about known terrorists - U.S. Rep Joe Knollenberg has had enough...

From WND --

The CARTER Act, by U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenberg, of Farmington Hills, Mich., would prevent federal dollars from being used to finance discussions and negotiations with terrorist groups, he said.

The Coordinated American Response To Extreme Radicals Act estimates taxpayers already have given the Carter's think-tank foundation some $19 million. But Knollenberg is suggesting no more.

"America must speak with one voice against our terrorist enemies," he said in a statement at the time the proposal was readied for Congress. "It sends a fundamentally troubling message when an American dignitary is engaged in dialogue with terrorists. My legislation will make sure that taxpayer dollars are not being used to support discussions or negotiations with terrorist groups." More...

It is about time somebody did something, other than talk, about stopping this American embarASSment. I believe it is bad enough we are paying for secret service protection on his Terrorist Tour - but it is amazing we would give money to his think-tank!

His actions show he is a moron, but would Carter & think-tank be an oxymoron?

Click here for more on Knollenberg's CARTER Act. Click here for the letter he sent Jihadikaze Jimmy when he first learned of his planned Terrorist Tour.

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