Friday, April 18, 2008

Support the McCain Gas Tax Holiday

My Friends,

This week, I laid out an economic plan aimed at providing immediate and long-term relief for all American families. One of the key components of this plan is a suspension of the federal gas tax on gasoline from Memorial Day to Labor Day of this year.

The effect of this "gas tax holiday" will be an immediate economic stimulus - taking a few dollars off the price of a tank of gas every time you fill up. And because the cost of gas affects the price of food, packaging and just about everything else, this immediate step will spread economic relief to every family in America.

My friends, this election will be shaped by the big issues we face as a nation, not the small ones...

I am running for president to tackle the most pressing challenges facing our nation today, and our economy is certainly one of our top challenges. The voters of our country will have a clear choice in November between my vision and policies for our country - rooted in our shared conservative principles - and the tax and spend policies of my Democratic opponents.

Whether it's the economy, the struggle against radical Islamic extremism or national security issues, I stand ready to offer bold solutions to our nation's challenges. The gas-tax holiday is just one example, and as I have always done, I will make my case to every American who will listen.

I will not confine myself to the comfort of speaking only to those who agree with me. I will make my case to all the people. I will listen to those who disagree. I will try to persuade them. I will debate. I will learn from them. And I will fight every moment of every day for what I believe is right for this country, and I will not yield.

Thank you,

John McCain

P.S. In November, Americans will have a clear choice between my policies for addressing the big issues and the policies of my opponents. I stand ready to offer bold new solutions to the challenges we face as a nation, and I ask that you join me today calling for a gas tax holiday to provide immediate economic relief for many Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the stupidest idea ever. Lower tax > increase demand > oil companies increase prices > consumers get stuck with the bill > oil companies get richer > more bridges fall down for lack of tax revenues to fix them. Priceless


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