Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Best April Fool's Joke played on DailyKos

Is this the best ever April Fool's on a bunch of asshats or what?

From Gribbit's World --
Today was April Fool’s Day and fellow Conservative Blogger John Bambenek (Part-Time Pundit) sent our “friends” over at the Daily KOS a little joke. He wrote a diary entry saying that he had converted to Obamamania.

And let’s be clear, it was a joke. I’ve been in contact with John and he’s rolling at the response from the Kooks.

Thanks Gribbit & Great Job John! Here is the link for the KOS post.

Here is a couple of responses....

Thanks... (7+ / 0-) for letting us know how you've arrived at your support. I've heard many similar stories. Personally, I think Obama is the political equivalent of a 100 year storm. It's great reading about how he's playing out there in the Great American Expanse.

How are your friends and family looking at things thus far?

"We're all working for the Pharaoh" - Richard Thompson
by mayan on Tue Apr 01, 2008 at 09:05:22 AM PDT

and another.....

It is a brave and smart move (3+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
mkfarkus, sherlyle, bambenek

I am glad to see you here!

I have been astounded by what the Republicans have done. Every time I see one speak on t.v I already decide that it will be lies and propaganda. I don't like that. I would prefer to listen and hope they will have something to offer. It hasn't happened in over seven years.

Their minds have been poisoned by corporations and lawyers and it shows when they speak on issues. All they seem to do is attack people and lay out a plan with a pretty title, "Restore America" etc. yet what lies behind that title are usually big gifts for corporations.

That doesn't mean that there aren't democrats like that either. I'm glad to see you here and hope that we can celebrate the presidency of Obama together!

If America were to die and an autopsy was to be performed the media would be the cause of death.

by dynamicstand on Tue Apr 01, 2008 at 09:39:45 AM PDT
[ Parent ]



    But then again, not much effort required. Fooling liberals is shooting fish in a barrel. It's just not that hard.

  2. Hey Bob -- Love your show on WTAM 1100.

    I could not agree more...

    Look how O'Dumbo & Hillahag has them fooled!


Don't be scared!