Thursday, June 14, 2007

Should Kitchen Knives be Outlawed?

Oh my, someone was killed without using a gun! Pretty soon there will be a movement to ban kitchen knives.....

From the PD --

A 20-year-old Cleveland woman told police she stabbed a man to death in self defense early Wednesday after he broke into her home.

Donaldson, 25, of Cleveland, punched through the window screen and unlocked the door. Then, he began to punch Mitchell, Stacho said.

She grabbed a large kitchen knife.

"Every time he punched me, I stabbed him," Mitchell told police. More....

If we apply the anti-gun argument to the above story, it would sound something like this....

There will now be a three day waiting period and background check on any person wanting to purchase a kitchen knife.

Since there is no clause in the Second Amendment for the right to keep and bear kitchen knives, these dangerous weapons need to be licensed and registered. Cities, through the use of "Home Rule", will be enacting laws to outlaw the possession of kitchen knives within the city limits.

The accused stabber in this case should also be subject to civil lawsuits and face Federal Charges for violating the now deceased mans civil rights. Inflicting so many stab wounds on this poor man, who was trying to take something that was not his, is obvious cruel and unusual punishment.

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