Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ameritrust Deal Falls Through

The Cuyahoga County Komrades have thrown out the lone bid from K & D Group for the Ameritrust complex.

From the PD --

County commissioners will reopen bidding for the property next week but won't reduce their $35 million asking price for the buildings at East Ninth Street and Euclid Avenue.

Last month, the K&D Group, a Willoughby-based owner and manager of apartments, emerged as the only interested buyer. The company planned to put down $20 million, with the balance paid through a $15 million loan from the county.

In its conditions of sale, the county asked for all $35 million when the deal closed.

After weeks of review by the county's legal counsel, Cuyahoga County Commissioner Tim Hagan said on Friday that K&D's bid was "noncompliant." "The $35 million we wanted was more of an if-come than a reality," Hagan said of the offer.

"We didn't feel comfortable about where the $15 million was coming from." More....

Tim, Tim, Tim..... how do you live with yourself?!? You had no problem awarding an illegal contract to ES&S for voting machines even though they were non-compliant! Have you found moral fiber and conviction all of a sudden?

Komrade Hagan must have conveniently forgotten Cuyahoga County is a model for years of democrat failure. Perhaps the rays from a tanning bed have scrambled the thoughts of the I-know-All Komrade Hagan even more!

This is why I like the feeble-minded Komrade Hagan.... the arrogance & ignorance of this bubble headed official who has the ability to lie and contradict himself all in the same sentence, makes it so easy to take the well deserved shots at this ass hatted Hollywood Husband.

For a brief King's view of the Ameritrust Tower read on -

Helping out their buddy Dick Jacobs unload a useless building, the empty asbestos-laden Ameritrust Tower was purchased by Cuyahoga County as a new location for their new HQ. It should be noted that the lone voice of reason, Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones, voted AGAINST this purchase. (Note: PLJ also voted against the illegal ES&S contract)

After getting heat from residents about this wasteful use of tax payer money to buy the building and the subsequent asbestos removal the Kommissioners decided to place the site on the market. In an an attempt to be consistent with other county projects - the allegations of corruption over the asbestos removal contract brought the project to a halt.

Plans to tear down the Ameritrust building drew protests from all over the U.S. Much to the dismay of "Hollywood Husband," Kommissioner Tim Hagan these plans were given a road block when the City of Cleveland Planning commission refused to approve demolition of the building....

"This is beyond anything I've confronted in my political life," Hagan said in an interview Friday afternoon. "An unelected group dictating to commissioners what kind of building should be built in a city where the mayor and City Council president support it. That's exactly what's wrong with the city."
We can see that Komrade "Know All" Hagan feels elected officials are the only people with brains. Hey Timmy how's that great MedMart idea you guy's had coming along? (Commisioner Peter Lawson Jones was against the forced sales tax increase for the MedMart also.) The Kommissioners patted themselves on the back when they began the motions of putting the Ameritrust Tower up for sale claiming, "we will not lose money!"

As for the negotiating skills of those at the county - Tim tell me again about the MedMart - I just love that joke!

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