Friday, February 8, 2008

Waterboarding - Big Deal!

The interrogation technique of water boarding is again in the news. Congressional hearings are being conducted on the use and authorization of confirmed instances of waterboarding by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Once before I have posted on how they should be renamed the Central Idiot Agency, the waterboarding issue again confirms my thoughts. This again proves that there are some things during war time that should be shielded from the American public - waterboarding being one of them.

Speaking at a congressional hearing CIA director Michael Hayden stated....
"the technique was used on three al-Qaida terrorist suspects in the wake of the September 11, 2001 al-Qaida attacks on the United States, although not in the past five years or so." More....

The Army and FBI do not use waterboarding as an interrogation technique. I am of the belief that water boarding should be kept as an option for interrogation use by the CIA.

In extreme cases, if all else fails and American lives are at risk - there should be NO limitations as to what type of technique can and should be used. It is amaing that people in this country can put the perceived rights of enemy combatants above the saving of American lives.


  1. Yes, the ends justify the means.

    What a wonderfully conservative ethic.

  2. If this technique was not torture, it would not be a big deal and no one would be trying to hide these actions from the American people. Keeping secrets from the people is a great idea if you live in a socialist society and under a tyrannical government. If the government can use this wonderful technique on evil people then it will not be long until it uses this enhanced interrogation technique on their own.
    Pogo was right “we have found the enemy and he is us.”


Don't be scared!