Saturday, February 16, 2008

Your invited to an Al-Qaeda Cook Out!

Our congress has been conducting hearings and has recently outlawed water boarding as a tactic for interrogation in extreme cases. For the longest time whenever you opened a newspaper all you could read about was how the enemy combatants at Gitmo were being held in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Then I remember how the MSM saturated every available news venue or source with info & pics of how some of our soldiers put dog leashes on prisoners, offended the Koran and/or U.S. troops are violating someone's rights.

No wonder the Iraq's would rather have Al-Qaeda and not the U.S. in their country. At least Al-Qaeda has cook outs....

From Fox News -- (video)

Al-Qaeda's latest display of terror has made its way onto the Internet, showing horrifying images of what appear to be prisoners in Iraq being doused with an inflammatory liquid and then burned alive.

The video, which appears to have been posted first on Google last December in an alleged anti-Al Qaeda Web film, shows five insurgents standing behind three blindfolded prisoners kneeling at the edge of a burning pit.

"And now that we have captured these scums who committed this dreadful crime, we will burn them with this fire," the Al Qaeda leader says in Arabic. "The same fire which they committed their crime with.

"And I swear by God almighty that, I swear by God almighty that we will have no mercy on them," he continues. "Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar."

As he speaks, two of the insurgents pour liquid on the blindfolded prisoners. Then they push the bound men into the pit, where they are engulfed in flames.

This habit of having a "Cook Out" with prisoners by Al-Qaeda must stem from the enjoyment of having a BBQ with babies and serving them to their families. These prisoners sure are lucky they didn't have any nasty Americans put a leash on their neck!

Maybe they will invite Ninny Pelosi, Harry Reid & Dennis Kookcinich to the next BBQ. Hmm, Baked Pelosi w/ a MSM sauce accompanied by a side dish of Steamed Reid & shredded Human Rights served up with a little Kook sprinkled on top.

A dish the Korrectnik's would love!

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