Friday, February 29, 2008

Baby Killing Barack!

Former PA Senator Rick Santorum had an opinion piece in the Philly Inquirer yesterday. Santorum starts off with two descriptions of candidates. See if you can pick what description goes with what candidate-
  • One inspires hope for a brighter, better tomorrow. His rhetoric makes us feel we are, indeed, one nation indivisible - indivisible by ideology or religion, indivisible by race or creed. It is rhetoric of hope and change and possibility. It's inspiring. This candidate can make you just plain feel good to be American.

  • The other candidate, by contrast, is one of the Senate's fiercest partisans. This senator reflexively sides with the party's extreme wing. There's no record of working with the other side of the aisle. None. It's basically been my way or the highway, combined with a sanctimoniousness that breeds contempt among those on the other side of any issue.
Now be honest.... what candidate best fits these descriptions? If you guessed anyone OTHER THAN Barack Obama you're wrong!
To show an example of how EXTREMELY liberal Barack Odumbo is, Santorum brings up the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act."
During the partial-birth abortion debate, Congress heard testimony about babies that had survived attempted late-term abortions. Nurses testified that these preterm living, breathing babies were being thrown into medical waste bins to die or being "terminated" outside the womb. With the baby now completely separated from the mother, it was impossible to argue that the health or life of the mother was in jeopardy by giving her baby appropriate medical treatment.

The act simply prohibited the killing of a baby born alive. To address the concerns of pro-choice lawmakers, the bill included language that said nothing "shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand or contract any legal status or legal right" of the baby. In other words, the bill wasn't intruding on Roe v. Wade.

Who would oppose a bill that said you couldn't kill a baby who was born? Not Kennedy, Boxer or Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not even the hard-core National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Obama, however, is another story. The year after the Born Alive Infants Protection Act became federal law in 2002, identical language was considered in a committee of the Illinois Senate. It was defeated with the committee's chairman, Obama, leading the opposition. More....

Some bright future of hope for these babies being tossed away while others their same age are being treated and cared for. Being there for an abortion, I doubt the mothers would want to keep the babies if they are born alive, but that does not justfy or forgive tossing them out like yesterdays trash!

The most disturbing thing about this whole thing to me is Odipshit's ignorance & indifference on the whole issue. According to Day Gardner of the National Black Pro-Life Union (Bold added) --
Aborton is the leading cause of death in Afro-Americans surpassing deaths caused by accidents, heart disease, stroke, crimes, HIV-AIDS and all other deaths – combined!

"Unfortunately, Barack Obama supports the ruthless culture of death – one that includes killing the smallest Americans – too small to flee or fight back." More....

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