Monday, February 25, 2008

Dem's try to Nix Nader

Big h/t goes to the Liberally Conservative Blog for making some insightful observations about the double talking democrat presidential candidates and their feelings on Nader entering the election.....

Often accused of costing Al Gore the 2000 election Mr. Nader is now being attacked by the Liberals of Obama and Clinton. Imagine that. If Nader is being attacked by the Left it must be good news for the Right.

What happened to “Change”, “Hope” and “Fair”, the keywords Democrats like to shout to the downtrodden they find on the campaign trail?

You would think Nader would be, at the very least, welcome as a Vice-Presidential candidate for either Clinton or Obama. Mr. Nader says he will he’ll run as an anti-corporate candidate for president this fall. He fits right in with all Liberals.

“‘Loathe’ isn’t a strong enough word,” said a senior adviser to the Clinton campaign.

For Democrats it’s all about obstructing anything they don’t like so the attack machine is aimed at Nader and McCain. More....


  1. I dont think he will have much of an impact.

  2. Ben I agree. I think his impact will be minimal when it comes to vote counts but I think HOW the democrats deal with him is important.

    Like it or not Nader has the right to run for president. The Dem's or party of inclusion and acceptence will show their true colors as they did when he ran last time.

    I am happy he is running. Not as much because he will take votes from the democrats but because I believe he will bring new issues to the table.

    And I would just love to see Oshamster, McCain & Nader in a debate.


Don't be scared!