Friday, February 15, 2008

Oshamster cornered by McCain!

Looks like the dem's "great hope" is being made to look ike a "great dope" by GOP candidate Senator John McCain. Barack opened his big mouth with his tough talk of change. Now he is stepping on his tongue as McCain forces him to back up his empty message of hope with action.

Thinking he may have problems raising money against the "Clinton Con Machine," Obama tried to be forward thinking and outsmart them ~ when all he did was show his ignorance and that he is not ready to play in the big time. Now that he very well may be the democrat presidential candidate, his trying to show up Hillahag may expose him for the hypocrite that he really is...

Early in the campaign Obama issued a challenge to all candidates to only use public money in the general election. John McCain is the only one who accepted! Now that the two are the front runners for each party and the presumed candidates, MCain is calling Oshamster's bluff....

From Fox News --
Obama said Friday in Milwaukee he’s not entertaining hypothetical scenarios yet.

“If I am the nominee I will make sure our people talk to John McCain’s people to find out if we are willing to abide by the same rules and regulations with respect to the general election going forward,” he said. “It would be presumptuous of me to start saying now that I am locking in to something when I don’t even know if the other side will agree to it. And I’m not the nominee yet.”

Also, in response to a questionnaire in November from the Midwest Democracy Network, a group of nonpartisan government oversight groups, Obama said: “Senator John McCain has already pledged to accept this fundraising pledge. If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election.” More....

Presumptuous? He offered the bet! McCain did agree to the terms and now Obama is back tracking. Some message of change - Oshamster sounds like he has the political double-talk down pat!

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