The City of Beserkeley, Mexifornia & Toledo, Ohio have been getting top billing among bloggers this week for their attack on our beloved Unites States Marine Corp. I believe fellow SOB member Maggie at Thurber's Thoughts probably has the most detailed of all the posts on the asinine antics of Toledo Mayor Farty Finkweiner.Hambo from Politically Incorrect Gazette bestowed the Steaming Load & Girlieman of the Week on Beserkely Mayor Tom Bates and his pink pantied council. Since Bates had both awards tied up Hambo slipped Mayor Finkweiner in his Hambo's Hammer earlier this week.....
I know what you’re thinking and, once again, you’re wrong. We’ve already dispensed PIGish justice on Beserkeley’s mayor on our Girlieman of the Week page.
This time, we’re talking about Toledo's (Ohio) Mayor, Carty Finkbeiner, AKA Mayor Asshat.
If the Mayor insists on giving the United States Marines the one finger salute...if Mayor Asshat is so damn determined to give aid and comfort to America’s enemies by denying our troops essential training, he needs to be a man about it. No doubt, he’ll probably need to ask a REAL man what he’d do, then proceed accordingly. If he didn’t want them in town, then he should have the nads to deliver that message IN PERSON. Lookup gutless asshat in your dictionary and you’ll find this punk’s mug shot.
After receiving heat from across the nation, both cities had the chance to do the right thing and they failed miserably. Not only did they fail miserably, it looks as if they will now have Hambo's full attention! Trust me... forget about Tripoli - the Shores of Beserkely & Toledo may never be the same. Pissing off Hambo might be worse then pissing off the Marines! Porcus Maximus does not have him locked in a steel reinforced dungeon for no reason. I am sure you have heard the saying ~ The Few, The Proud, The.... Oh Shit its Hambo! Spike the Wonder Tyke (one finger saluting above) found this latest piece of PIGish prose outside Hambo's dungeon.....
On Tuesday, in two American cities - Beserkeley (Mexifornia), Toledo (Ohio) - the top item on the City Council’s agenda involved making peace with the United States Marines. Neither of them got the job done, to our satisfaction, but of the two, Toledo’s Elected Tormentors came the closest. In Beserkeley, the city harkened back to the 1960's with war protestors squared off against rational patriotic adults in front of the toilet bowl - they call it City Hall. That’s where the steaming plate of turds running that blight on the USA perpetrate their foul business. When the dust settled, the City Council pulled back, a little, but it’s not even in the same universe as an unconditional surrender. The Contra Costa Times spewed this putrid prose:
The Berkeley City Council attempted to make nice with U.S. Marines recruiters Wednesday morning by taking back a letter it planned to send calling the Corps "uninvited and unwelcome intruders" in the city. But a motion to formally apologize failed.
Instead the City Council with a 7-2 vote at 1 a.m. sought to clarify one of its Jan. 29 Marines motions with new language that recognizes "the recruiters' right to locate in our city and the right of others to protest or support their presence."
The new statement also said the council opposes "the recruitment of our young people into this war."
A firestorm of outrage from the VRWC, including moves by state and federal Legicrats to pull the plug on funds headed for the city, hammered these scumbags mercilessly. Despite that richly deserved smackdown, these Beserkeley butt bullets insist that their actions were not motivated by this deafening blowblack by rational adults from sea to shining sea. The scorecard in Beserkeley isn’t exactly thrilling. On the plus side, the City Council won’t be sending that “get out of Dodge you baby killing war mongers” letter to the Marines. On the minus side, they refuse to apologize, and won’t call off the Code Pink peace pukes. In Toledo, the situation is much more entertaining. I’ll begin with the good news, as reported by the local fishwrap, the Toledo Blade:
Without discussion, the 12-member council approved a resolution apologizing to Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., for the mayor’s action Friday afternoon.
Has the Toledo City Council gone over to the dark side and GASP found that faint flicker of patriotism deep inside them? Not exactly. There’s another matter that’s driving this abject apology and, as usual, it has to do with money. What I didn’t know, until now, is that Mayor Asshat’s timing couldn’t possibly be worse. Why? In addition to punching a chad for the steaming loads running for the Oval Office, Toledo’s electorate gets to vote on another matter during the March 4th primary. What matter? It’s near and dear to the city’s Elected Tormentor’s hearts: the renewal of the city’s 0.75% income tax. Are we starting to understand the City Council’s mad dash to distance themselves from Mayor Asshat’s war on the United States Marines, Sparky? This bad timing isn’t lost on those who attended this City Council session:
James Hintz, of Henry County, testified that people should vote no on the 0.75 percent tax. “[Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner] is a politician and the only thing that makes them aware is to take away what feeds them — and that is money,” Mr. Hintz said.
Councilman Joe McNamara, who presented the resolution along with Frank Szollosi, D. Michael Collins, Michael Ashford, and Mike Craig, pleaded with people not to attempt to punish the mayor by defeating the income tax renewal.
“Voting no on the 0.75 percent tax will not remove Mayor Finkbeiner from office,” Mr. McNamara said. “Please don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”
The 0.75 percent is projected to raise about $57.7 million in 2008 and is part of the city’s total 2.25 percent wage tax. The money would be allocated equally to police, fire, and other safety departments; the general operating fund, and the capital improvements fund.
It won’t shock you to learn that, in another unanimous 12-0 vote, the council passed a resolution backing the income tax renewal. Do these two votes by the city council end the matter? Is it time to cue the violin music and post the ‘happily ever after’ banner? Not exactly, because the city council’s apology resolution requires Mayor Asshat’s signature to become official. That’s not necessarily a slam dunk: Mr. Finkbeiner, who has refused to apologize and has defended his decision, yesterday declined to say whether he would sign the resolution or if he believed the controversy would hinder the city’s attempt to renew the 0.75 percent income tax on the March 4 ballot. The rational adults in Toledo have these city hacks by the balls and I think it’s time to give those Elected Tormentor nads a hard squeeze. Parting shot: This tale of two cities is far from over, so I’m issuing an official pagan scribbler “stay tuned”.
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