Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kennedy to be a "Driving" Force for Obama

Senator Ted "What Bridge?" Kennedy, or more commonly known as, "The Drunk," has come out in support of, and has endorsed Barack Obama for the democrat presidential nominee.

Kennedy was in Ohio yesterday campaigning for Obama --

From ONN--

He told more than 300 people in Cleveland that Obama will work to create jobs and bring affordable health care to northeast Ohio.

Kennedy swung through the economically pressed region a day after Obama's opponent in the Democratic presidential primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, campaigned outside Cleveland and appeared at a party fundraiser near Akron.

Kennedy stopped in Akron and at Youngstown State University, where Obama is to appear on Monday.

Create jobs & affordable health care? Please Ted - go have another drink!

Obama has not a clue on how to create jobs. While he attacks Clinton on NAFTA, we find Oshamster also thought NAFTA was a good idea. His terminally ill health care plan will leave approx. 15 million people uninsured. His health care plan has been described as....

.....a dog's breakfast of bad ideas from Left, Right, and center, topped with an unhealthy amount of wishful thinking. If enacted it would cost Americans dearly — in higher taxes, lost jobs, reduced freedom of choice, and lower quality health care.

So while Kennedy is out actually exposing Obama as a, "dope with an empty message of hope," and for the hypocrite he really is, we have to ask what is the tee-tottler Ted doing?

Beltway insiders have said in exchange for a high ranking position - a position much different than his nightly one on his knees at the porcelian throne - Kennedy is offering to be a "driving" force and willing to take care of the Hillary problem for Obama....

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