Sunday, April 25, 2010
Girlieman of the Week Award: Juan McCain
From Politically Incorrect Gazette --
Girlieman of the Week
Date Awarded: April 23, 2010
Girlieman: Juan McCain
Girlie Antics: Hypocrisy on SteroidsThere’s nothing like a tough primary fight with a well known challenger to make a legend in his own mind like Juan McCain change his spots. Finding J. D. Hayworth a formidable challenger, and unable to simply smear J. D. into political oblivion, Juan channeled his inner weasel and decided to repackage himself.
By the time he finished his political makeover, Juan was portraying himself as so staunchly conservative that he makes Mr. Conservative, Barry Goldwater, seem like a card carrying extreme Libertard stamped out of the Barry Obama mold. Nice try, Juan. You might fool some people, but you don’t fool us for an instant.
‘Maverick’ is gone, and he vehemently rejects the label, when someone tries to pin it on him.
‘Amnesty’, once the centerpiece of his legislative initiatives, is gone too. Now, he’s making Tom Tancredo seem like a border jumper's best friend. When last seen, Juan was talking about putting soldiers on the border and getting tough on border jumping scumbag invaders, with the re-enforced borders he once denigrated so vociferously.
Juan is the poster punk for hypocritical weasels. A man devoid of convictions, he’s that epitome of unprincipled pontificating: a politician seeking re-election. I don’t know if it will get him re-elected, since that’s in the capable hands of Arizona’s chad punchers. I do know that Juan "I’ll say anything to get re-elected" McCain’s weasel antics earned him the recognition he so richly deserves. Congratulations Juan, you’re the Politically Incorrect Gazette’s Girlieman of the Week.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Jim Renacci – Pro-life Justifications?? Give Me a Break!!!!
Then just the other day a letter that Chairmen Bill Heck wrote to the Ohio Right to Life Organization was posted on the blog NO MUZZLE POLITICS:
Mr. Gonidakis,
Thursday, April 15th. at our Medina County Republican Round Table Congressional Candidate night Matt Miller, the Republican candidate for the Congressional 16th District, denounced the Ohio Right to Life endorsement of Jim Renacci for Congress. Matt said from his follow-up discussion of the Board’s decision Matt said, “he challenged the Board for making the Jim Renacci endorsement”… and that, “the Director told him the Ohio Right to Life organization endorsed Jim Renacci because he had more money.” Matt went on to tell the crowd of nearly 50 people, “that something to critically wrong with the Ohio RTL and the Board if this is where their values are since he had years of dedication supporting the organization activities and events.”
Jim Renacci then provided some insight to his endorsement process by the Ohio Right To Life. Jim highlighted his 27 years of being in the healthcare business and protecting not only the rights of the unborn but also, the seniors and others in his care facilities who were living in his facilities during their end of their lives situations. Additionally, Jim Renacci went on to say got that six months ago Jim Renacci wasn’t known to most voters throughout the 16th District. Jim set out to meet with each Ohio Right to Life Board member and tell his life-long story of concern and caring he has provided in his care facilities, his deep catholic beliefs, and his commitment for everyone at both at conception and at end of life. He completed the ORTL interview paperwork provided to all candidates and made his position and Right to Life values known to the Board.
The emotional level of Matt’s allegations against the Ohio Right to Life organization, the board, the person in charge and most disturbing, his confrontational statements regarding the value base of the Ohio Right to Life organization, made most at the forum very uncomfortable. Of the nearly 50 people who heard Matt speak this night, here are some people who would verify and also have shocking comments of Matt’s presentation in addition to myself:
[Phone Numbers Redacted]
I want to take this opportunity to apologize to you and the Ohio Right to Life organization and your Board. All Medina County citizens and the Medina County Republican Party, support and greatly appreciates the work that the Ohio Right to Life organization does throughout the state and country.
Bill Heck
Medina County Republican Party
Here is a suggestion Chairman – go back to school and learn proper English. Here is the link so that you can see for yourself that this letter has not been altered in anyway by the writer of this post. http://nomuzzle.com/2010/04/21/miller-rebuked-for-slandering-right-to-life-in-oh-16/
Now read below for a response from a couple in Ashland County that has seen firsthand the work Matt Miller has done for the Pro-life Movement.
What has happened to the election process in our country? Parties and special interest groups alike have taken it upon themselves to prematurely endorse certain candidates before the primaries. These actions have shed a disparaging light on the “un-endorsed” candidate causing many to forego their research into ALL the candidates.
This very thing has happened to Matt Miller, Ohio 16th U.S. Congressional District Candidate. Sadly, Ohio Right to Life has chosen to circumvent the primary election process by choosing to endorse one candidate over Matt Miller. However unintentional it may be, this action has placed the paradigm into the mind of the voters that Matt Miller is “less pro-life” than another candidate. We dogmatically want to say how untrue that paradigm is.
Here are the facts: Matt Miller states “It is imperative that we strive to continue to work to protect each life from conception until their natural death… we must never lose sight of the fact that every human life is a gift from our Creator. We must not destroy one life in an effort to preserve another.” (see his entire statement at www.mattmillerforcongress.com).
Matt Miller doesn’t just talk a good pro-life talk; he has a long list of actions that back up his statement. Matt Miller has personally attended and participated in Ashland County’s Sanctity of Human Life Community Events for many years, has been the MC for several pro-life pregnancy help center fundraising banquets, participated in LifeWalk fundraising events, and helped plan, promote and implement Ashland County’s 40 Days for Life Campaign. The list goes on.
Please research the candidates for yourself without regard to endorsements. Vote on May 4, 2010.
We encourage you to vote for Matt Miller, the pro-life candidate that talks the talk and walks the walk.
Gordon & Ducia Hamm
Ashland County, Ohio
In addition to Matt’s contributions to the Pro-life movement, Paul Schiffer has made many contributions himself. He has even gone to jail for his pro-life beliefs. Has Mr. Renacci every put his freedom on the line for the Pro-life movement? Has he ever attended a rally or hosted a pro-life event? When Mr. Renacci was asked these questions all he could say was that he believed in life from conception to natural deal. What??? So do many people and I believe you would be hard pressed to find many people out there that disbelieve in natural deal (Well except for the loons in Oregon but that is another post)
The pro-life movement is not about whether or not someone has a natural death … it is about abortion plain and simple. Mr. Renacci says he is Catholic and that proves he is pro-life. Mr. Renacci do you actually know anything about your faith? Yes, the Catholic Church opposes abortion but there is a large contingent of Catholics who believe in abortion so to use your religion as a justification for your beliefs is pathetic at best. Being Catholic does not make you pro-life. It is your experiences and your beliefs that make you pro-life.
So I am again going to ask the question: What Mr. Renacci have you done for the pro-life movement other than believe in it?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Reason #548, 721 ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine should be given a Pink Slip
While ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine is most likely not the one making the ORP comments (he was probably too busy shining his cousin Little Mikey DeWine's shoes), it shows just how out of touch the ORP is with their rank & file members and the condescending, "your stupid, just do as we say & support who we tell you" attitude that is so prevalent with his failed party leadership.
That ORP Chairman DeWine is unable to even control his Frat Boys on Face Book clearly shows the party polluting stench emanating from the stalls of the OH Elephant Clan in Columbus need a good delousing....
(Emphasis added)

Rita Pannenberg Thomas
Only If You Keep It Conservative...No Compromises
Yesterday at 4:42pm · Report
Rachel Mullen Manias
And no more endorsements of handpicked candidates. I tossed my ORP slate card.
Yesterday at 4:44pm · Report
Steven Salander
Ditto Rita. Keep it to the beliefs of our Founding Fathers and I'll stay. Become a second Democratic party and I am outta here faster than I joined. I hold my Tea Party beliefs VERY tightly.
Yesterday at 10:59pm · Report
Tony Obert
just became a fan on a trial basis, was going to make a new comment but Rita took my thunder. Ohio Republicants are just as commie as the "D"'s lately.
21 hours ago · Report
Tobe Smellie III
Ditto to that!
11 hours ago · Report
Ohio Republican Party
We appreciate your enthusiasm. And we believe in Limited Government, Strong Defense, Fiscal Discipline and Personal Responsibility. If the "Tea Party" holds to those beliefs as well, then we have common ground to work together.
7 hours ago · Report
Ohio Republican Party
Rachel, the Ohio Republican Party proudly supports Rob Portman, John Kasich, Jon Husted, Dave Yost and Josh Mandel. Each of these individuals spent months and years earning the support of our Party leadership and the grassroots. None of these candidates were "handpicked."
7 hours ago · Report
Rachel Mullen Manias
ORP, you have no business endorsing prior to the primaries or even prior to filing deadline. While I support most of these candidates you must remember the lessons of the Scott Brown's election. These seats belong to the people, not the Chairman of the ORP. When you endorse as you have done then you isolate people like me who support other ... See Morecandidates. I resigned my volunteer position for the ORP and will devote my time to my County party instead.Why is the Central Committee endorsed on the slate card? They endorsed themselves?!
7 hours ago · Report
Ohio Republican Party
Rachel, the Chairman does not issue endorsements. The endorsements are made by the members of our state committee, who spend countless hours meeting with our potential candidates and engaging with grassroots supporters. These individuals are also elected to represent their constituents on the committee, so to suggest that candidates are "handpicked... See More" by the Chairman or that our committee makes decisions based on personal interest shows a lack of understanding of the process. We should also add that endorsing a candidate should not isolate anyone from the process. Clearly, we believe Portman, Kasich, Husted, Yost and Mandel are the best candidates for the job. Those decisions were based on a lot of factors. But you are just as welcome to support a candidate of your choice. We are a "big tent" Party.
6 hours ago · Report
Rachel Mullen Manias
No "lack of understanding" on my part. My eyes are wide open. Speak to those who represent me on the Central Committee. They will tell you a different story on the AoS endorsement. One actually didn't even know there was another candidate in the race at the time of endorsement which refutes your assertion that there a were "countless hours" ... See Morespent. I am proud to be a Republican but my vote is too precious to give it to 66 people on the Central Committee, many of whom didn't give proper thought to their endorsement. No slate card needed here!
6 hours ago · Report
Ohio Republican Party
If it's not a "lack of understanding" here, then you are simply falling prey to people spreading a false story. Each member of the committee was aware of the fact there were other candidates in the AoS race. In fact, there were three candidates. The members of the committee were lobbied directly by the candidates themselves in an effort to gain their endorsement. Our political staff here at the Party also personally contacted the members of our committee to make them aware of the endorsement process. But let's cut to the chase: the issue isn't the endorsement process - it's who was endorsed. Your home county issued an endorsement in the AoS race, but you seem content with that, to the point of "devoting your time" to the county party. That's great! We need good volunteers in every one of our 88 counties.The bottom line is this: Good people are going to disagree. We're ok with that and look forward to working with you and thousands of other grassroots supporters to elect Republicans in November.Oh, and the last time I checked, it was the liberal Democrats who were the bad guys!... See More
6 hours ago · Report
Rachel Mullen Manias
I am "falling prey" to nothing and I take great offense that the ORP suggests that I am unable to come to my own conclusions. You are welcome to call me and I will prove that I am not ignorant as you are suggesting. I know what my ORP Central Committee people told me. One said there were no other candidates in the race at the time of ... See Moreendorsement. The other actually threw Kevin under the bus and said he shut out the other candidates. I don't agree with endorsements prior to the primary. The people need to chose. I have discussed this with my county party chairman on several occasions. The reason I chose to vote in the endorsements in my county was to right the wrongs of the ORP Central Committee. There are bad guys everywhere. Although I take great joy in teasing liberals, to assert that bad guys are only Democrats is naive. Shall I continue? I've got all night.
5 hours ago · Report
Ohio Republican Party
Then your own conclusions are wrong. And no one was shut out of the endorsement process. Anything else is just a "conspiracy theory."Here's a better way to spend your time:Why don't you make some phone calls on behalf of our candidiates?http://www.ohiogop.org/call
3 hours ago · Report
Rachel Mullen Manias
My conclusions? This is what my Central Committee people told me. Are you insinuating that they are lying to me? If that is the case then I really am concerned about the endorsements the voted for. I am sorry that the ORP has taken time out of it's busy schedule to publicly assert that I am ignorant. Although I have been a stay at home mom ... See Morefor the past decade I promise that I am not ignorant and I have am not "falling prey" to anything, including your slate card. I am proud to say I am a Republican and that I will be voting for most of the candidates you support. I believe in the platform of the party. But, to attack me for my initial comment which was harmless truly makes me question the leadership of the party.I will be walking my precinct tomorrow to inform people of the best choices in the May primary. I will NOT be calling off your list.
3 hours ago · Report
Rachel Mullen Manias
Sorry for the typos.
3 hours ago · Report
Joe Vasil
The arrogance resonating in the ORP responses to Rachel's posts are what got the Republicans in trouble in the first place. While I am not by any way suggesting that the endorsed candidates are not worthy, endorsements prior to primaries circumvents grass root efforts from your constituents, which is critical in getting the independent vote.
49 minutes ago · Report
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
2010 Cleveland Tax Day Tea Party
Don't miss the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots 2nd Annual Tax Day Tea Party
- Date: Tax Day April 15, 2010
- Time: 4pm - 6:30pm
- Location: Mall C / Downtown Cleveland
- Address: E.6th & Lakeside
Click here for more details on speakers & the event.
Steaming Load of the Week Award: Public Employees
Steaming Load of the Week Award
Steaming Load: Laughing all the way to the bank, public employees - especially the unionized ones - are systematically impoverishing states (Mexifornia is a prime example) and destroying the private sector.
The scribes at ‘Reason’ list 3 compelling examples of the public sector’s assault on capitalism:
1. They cost too much. As USA Today recently noted, federal employees make on average almost $8,000 more than their private-sector counterparts. When you add in benefits, the gap spreads to about $30,000. State and local government workers make around the same as private-sector counterparts, but their health and retirement packages mean they make significantly more in the end.
2. We can’t fire them. The private sector has shed positions in response to slackening demand and the economic downturn. That sort of adjustment is painful but necessary, as it allows the economy to adjust to changing circumstances and workers and employers to move into new activities. Because it is guaranteed certain amounts of tax revenue and has a non-market mind-set, the public sector is largely insulated from such forces and keeps or even adds workers despite changed conditions. The result? We keep paying for things that we don’t use, need, or want.
3. They create a permanent lobby for expanded government and higher taxes. Look at California, where teacher unions have spent over $211 million dollars on elections in the past decade. One result is that 40 percent of California’s budget must be spent on education, regardless of the number and needs of students. Over the last 10 years, taxpayer contributions to public-sector pension funds has increased by 2000 percent!
They’re scum, and in places like Mexifornia, they OWN, the state’s Elected Tormentors.
Girliemen of the Week Award: Gutless GOP Wonders
Girliemen of the Week
Date Awarded: April 02, 2010
Girliemen: Gutless GOP Wonders
Girlie Antics: Running from a tough fightIf these Gutless GOP Wonders were around during the American Revolution, we’d all be singing ‘God Save the Queen. They would have whined: "We know King George III is heavy handed, but we don’t think Independence is a viable alternative. It’s just too hard for a few pissed off, poorly armed colonists to defeat the most powerful nation on Earth."
If these Gutless GOP Wonders were around after December 7, 1941, we’d be a colony of the Imperial Japanese Empire. They would have whined: "We know that the Japanese begged for it, when they attacked us, without warning, but we don’t think going to war is a viable alternative. Their military might is impressive. Their weapons are superior. Their soldiers, sailors and airmen are all battle-hardened by years of conflict. We’re undermanned, ill-equipped, and unprepared. Victory is a longshot for us, so it’s not worth the effort in a losing cause."
Now, with a determined enemy entrenched in positions of political power, the Gutless GOP Wonders, especially those fossils in the Senate - Mexas’s John Cornyn, South Carolina’s Lindsey Grahmnesty, for example - are beating a hasty retreat from another 'do, or die trying', fight, which we can’t afford to lose. I refer, of course, to a mid-term campaign built around the repeal of DemonCare. Now they say, "It’s too hard and success is far from assured. We think it’s better to crawl back under our rocks while the Demoncrats eviscerate the U.S. Constitution, and destroy the American Dream."
It’s with the utmost revulsion and disgust, that I name these Gutless GOP Wonders the Politically Incorrect Gazette’s Girliemen of the Week.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Jim Renacci – It’s all about him
Although he is a much better speaker now than he was at the Akron Tea Party vetting breakfast, he still can’t seem to get past the fact that it is not all about him. I frankly don’t care that he grew up poor near Pittsburgh, PA. Don’t care that his parents sold their home in 2000 for $6,000 dollars. It must have been a very crappy house or in a really crappy neighborhood if that is all they could get for it. That frankly is not my problem. What I want to know is: What are you going to do for the 16th district?
So far he has not said anything other than he will oppose what is happening right now re: health care, cap and trade and ect. Great but those bills are dead in the water right now. Health care may pass due to reconciliation but then again even that looks iffy. So what are you going to propose that is going to change health care in this country? I mean you must have some great idea because you have so many years in the health care industry. Except that we have not heard any of your ideas at all. Hmmm…. Does that mean that you really don’t have any ideas or do you have them but want to wait until after the election to tell us? Sounds like a democrat to me.
On the subject of experience . . .
Mr. Renacci that is wonderful that you have all that experience behind you. So do the 535 people in Congress currently and what has that done for this country. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I applaud you for your rags to riches story but that is not going to make me vote for you. I want to see the real you, the one who talks about his constituents not himself. So far all I have seen is a typical arrogant politician who thinks it is all about himself and cannot help making snide comments about his competition in the Republican Party. Let me see so you do not need the job, ever think that the other men running aren’t doing it because they need a job but instead are doing it because they want to make a difference. You are so hung up now about not needing a job then pledge to donate you salary to charity the whole time you are in Congress. Then maybe just maybe I might have a little respect for you. Then the other comment about being good looking and a good speaker. Yep your right Barak Obama was both of those things but that is not who you were talking about is it. Grow a pair and just slam Matt Miller (good looking and great speaker) and Paul Schiffer(needs a job) by name instead of the snide comments. Then maybe I and others would have more respect for you. Until then campaign with some dignity because you are not without your faults Mr. Chosen one.
Now that is an interesting subject – chosen one. There is no doubt that you were chosen because you are rich and nothing more. The Chairmen’s letters that you sent to the Central Committee members of the various county parties are rife with that drivel and then to have the Medina Executive Committee endorse you prior to a primary makes one wonder how much of a payoff occurred for you to secure those endorsements. And what is this nonsense that you were asked to run for this and asked to run for that and I have no political ambitions. So you have to be asked to serve your country? You cannot make that decision on your own – well that calls into question every decision then that you have made in your lifetime. Did you make those decisions because you were asked to do or because you wanted to? Is someone pulling the strings Mr. Chosen One because you just seem too good to be true.
Hmmm…. Manchurian Candidate anyone?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Support Strengthening Ohio's Illegal Immigration Laws
Each person who testifies next Tuesday is to bring thirty copies of their testimony.
Senator Hughes office asks that we keep it as brief as possible - five minutes or less. It was suggested that we actually make it four minutes or less and then it gives us an opportunity to ask if they have any questions.
They have started a new procedure - they ask us when we arrive to sign in and after our signature they would like us to put an estimate for the length of time of our testimony.
SENATE BILL 35 sponsored by Senators Bill Seitz (R - Cincinnati) and Jimmy Stewart (R - Albany) would mandate that the Ohio Attorney General pursue a memorandum of agreement with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement to deputize Ohio law enforcement officers as immigration enforcement officers. This would provide for the enforcement of both criminal and civil violations of immigration law. This memorandum agreement is commonly referred to as a 287(g) program.
The bill language below is also available at: http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=128_SB_35
SENATE BILL 150 sponsored by Senator Gary Cates (R-West Chester), would provide that a board of county commissioners may direct a sheriff to take custody of persons who are being detained for deportation or who are charged with criminal violations of immigration law and to expressly authorize state and local employees and county sheriffs to render assistance to federal immigration officials in the investigation and enforcement of federal immigration law. Senate Bill 150 is a reintroduction of the last general assembly's Senate Bill 260, which contained the same provisions. The bill text is currently in the Senate State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee.
The text is available at: http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=128_SB_150.
Committee Members:
Senator Jim Hughes R
Vice Chair
Senator Jimmy Stewart R
614 466-8076
Ranking Minority
Senator Teresa Fedor D
Minority Whip
Ray Miller D
Senator John Carey R
Senator Kevin Coughlin R
Senator Timothy Grendell R
Senator Bill Seitz R
Senator Nina Turner D
If you are unable to attend, please call, e-mail or fax your support for these Bills.
Grassroots Rally Team of Ohio
Steaming Load of the Week: Senator Bernie Sanders
If Vermont wants to secede from the union, we should let them, if, and only if, they take Bernie Sanders with them.Steaming Load of the Week: Senator Bernie Sanders pulls a goose-stepping stinker from his socialist scumbag ass.
Unwilling to pull his head out of the Hot Air Buffoon’s ass, Bernie, put on his braying jackass jackboots. Suitably attired, Bernie then vilified rational adults who want to see more than junk science bullcrap before they buy into this Globally Warmed whopper.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is comparing climate change skeptics to those who disregarded the Nazi threat in America in the 1930s, adding a strident rhetorical shot to the already volatile debate over climate change.
"It reminds me of an event that took place in this country and around the world in the late 1930s," said Sanders, perhaps the most liberal member of the Senate, during a Senate hearing Tuesday. "During that period of Nazism and fascism's growth-a real danger to this country and democratic countries around the world- there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said 'don't worry! Hitler's not real! It'll disappear!" (Hot Air)
Bernie needs to yank his head from the Tennessee Tonnage’s butt and pay a visit to objective reality for a change. While he’s in the real world, he should get up to speed on the fact that the lab-coated hooligans in the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) are fleeing from their own fatally flawed climate change whoppers like it’s tainted with Ebola.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Govt. spends $57, 362 per Home on Weatherproofing under Recovery Act
From LA Times Blog --
Who could forget the $5 billion in Obama administration stimulus money that was going to rapidly create nearly 90,000 green jobs across the country in these tough economic times and make so many thousands of homes all snuggy and warm and energy-efficient these very snowy days?Thank God & Al Gore for Global Warming - huh?
Well, a new report due out this morning will show the $5-billion program is so riddled with drafts that so far it's weatherized only about 9,000 homes.
Based on the initial Obama-Biden program promise that it would create 87,000 new jobs its first year, that would be about 10 jobs for each home weatherized so far. Makes for pretty crowded doorways.
ABC News reports that the General Accountability Office will declare today that the Energy Department has fallen woefully behind -- about 98.5% behind -- the 593,000 homes it initially predicted would be weatherized in the Recovery Act's very first, very chilly year.
The Energy folks did tell ABC they've so far spent 522-million Recovery Act dollars on the program. So, let's see, about 9,100 homes divided into that chunk of stimulation change to believe in is -- gee! -- about $57,362 worth of very expensive weatherstripping for each home fixed up so far.
5 Muslim U.S. Soldiers arrested over Terror Plot at Fort Jackson (SC)
CBN News has learned exclusively that five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson in South Carolina were arrested just before Christmas. It is unclear whether the men are still in custody. The five were part of the Arabic Translation program at the base.
The men are suspected of trying to poison the food supply at Fort Jackson.
A source with intimate knowledge of the investigation, which is ongoing, told CBN News investigators suspect the "Fort Jackson Five" may have been in contact with the group of five Washington, DC area Muslims that traveled to Pakistan to wage jihad against U.S. troops in December. That group was arrested by Pakistani authorities, also just before Christmas.
It is being rumored that the Justice Dept. has determined since this may just be a difference in cooking cultures not to offend any Muslims, they will have Martha Stewart Mirandize the Jiffy-Pop cooking Jihadikaze's and all trial proceedings will be broadcast on the Food Network.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Muslims in Norway stage Strike over Mohammad Depiction
H/T Darth Dilbert from Return of the Conservatives Blog (via Gateway Pundit)....
Last week-end, almost a thousand taxi drivers in the Norwegian capital Oslo and neighboring municipality Bærum went on what could be called a religious strike. Both on Friday evening and Monday morning, Muslim taxi drivers refused to drive in protest against Wednesday’s front page of the Norwegian tabloid paper Dagbladet. That day, the tabloid ran an article about some of the “dangerous” pages the website of the Norwegian security service PST links to, and illustrated that with a screen shot of a cartoon showing the prophet Muhammad as a pig trampling the Qur’an…
You can read more about the geitenneuker's going ape crazy over Allah in Norway HERE.
The last cartoonist to scribble so-called naughty pictures of Mohammad, Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, recently survived another attack from an axe wielding Jihadikaze that broke in his home to kill him and his family.
Westergaard is the artist who drew the picture of Ole Mo' wearing a bomb-laden turban (a Turbomb) that was responsible for getting the jihadikaze's so worked up in 2008 that they burned Danish flags, torched Danish diplomatic offices in Damascus and Beirut, and caused dozens of deaths in Nigeria, Libya and Pakistan.
Barack & Bank Bonuses
Get your PBO decoder rings ready for this one!
President Barack O-Doublespeak is now in support of bank bonuses....
From Bloomberg --
President Barack Obama said he doesn’t “begrudge” the $17 million bonus awarded to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon or the $9 million issued to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, noting that some athletes take home more pay.
The president, speaking in an interview, said in response to a question that while $17 million is “an extraordinary amount of money” for Main Street, “there are some baseball players who are making more than that and don’t get to the World Series either, so I’m shocked by that as well.”
“I know both those guys; they are very savvy businessmen,” Obama said in the interview yesterday in the Oval Office with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, which will appear on newsstands Friday. “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free- market system.” More...
Even though these bonuses are stock options, PBO appears to be again forgetting what he read off the teleprompter in a previous pitch.....
US President Barack Obama on Thursday proposed Wall Street pay a fee of up to $117 billion to repay taxpayers for the financial bailout, as he slammed bankers for their “massive profits and obscene bonuses”. “My commitment is to recover every single dime the American people are owed,” Obama said in a statement. “And my determination to achieve this goal is only heightened when I see reports of massive profits and obscene bonuses at the very firms who owe their continued existence to the American people,” the president said.
Aiming to distance himself from Wall Street amid mounting public anger over big bonuses at the banks, Obama accused the bankers of being out of touch with hardship endured by ordinary Americans who are grappling with double-digit unemployment. (Economic Times)
The only person out of touch with ordinary Americans is the bloviating Barack himself!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sex Education in Kindergarten proposed for Iowa Schools
From Radio Iowa --
A bill introduced in the Iowa House would expand what’s required to be taught in schools to include “age-appropriate”, comprehensive sex education beginning in kindergarten. The legislation is being pushed by Mary Mascher, a Democrat from Iowa City, who is a longtime educator.
She says kids need more information than they get in schools where abstinence only is taught. “We need to give kids good information. We need to give kids the ability, the skill set to be able to make a good choice and good choices in their lives,” Mascher says. Mascher says parents would have the option to pull their children from the sexuality classes.
But the proposal still raises concerns among some private school administrators. The executive director of the Iowa Catholic Conference, Tom Chapman, says the idea violates the moral beliefs of many parents. “We think that the sexuality education is a job for parents, and we’d certainly would like to keep it that way. And this bill would require all Catholic schools to teach comprehensive sex education as defined by the state board of education, so we would have some concern about what they might approve as the curriculum,” Chapman said.
A couple points here.... first -- there is NO "age appropriate" sex education for a child in kindergarten! In kindergarten children shouldn't even be interested in the "you show me yours & I'll show you mine" game that kids play. In kindergarten the only thing kids should be worried about is having fun, learning basic skills and what time the "Wiggles" are on TV.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Main Global Warming Guru admits there is NO Global Warming!
The academic at the centre of the ‘Climategate’ affair, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, has admitted that he has trouble ‘keeping track’ of the information.
Professor Jones told the BBC yesterday there was truth in the observations of colleagues that he lacked organisational skills, that his office was swamped with piles of paper and that his record keeping is ‘not as good as it should be’.
Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.
And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming. (Daily Mail UK)
Jones and Al Gore should be banished to the North Pole!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Seth Morgan Crushes Dave Yost in Brown Co. GOP Endorsement for State Auditor
It looks like the Ohio Republican Party endorsed candidates will be wearing their handy-dandy endorsements like a scarlet letter when it comes to the support of the rank & file GOP members. Even with the smear campaign being waged against Seth Morgan by Chairman Kevin DeWine and his OH Elephant Clan cronies, Morgan handily defeated Yost in the Brown County GOP endorsement meeting....
From Return of the Conservatives --
Huber Heights, Ohio - State Auditor candidate Seth Morgan, CPA was endorsed by the Brown County Republican Party with 75 percent of the vote on Thursday, Feb. 11.
"Republican leaders in Brown County selected Seth Morgan overwhelmingly," said Rob Scott, Friends of Seth Morgan Communications Director. "This is just another example of leaders across our state publicly recognizing that Seth Morgan is the most qualified candidate of either party for Auditor of State."
Both Morgan and Delaware County Prosecutor Dave Yost were in attendance to ask for the county's endorsement for state auditor. Yost received 13 percent of the vote.
"This endorsement further solidifies the base of support Seth is gathering across the state. Not only is he being supported by the leaders of conservative organizations statewide as well as the Tea Party movement, the Republican 'establishment' is joining these groups and proclaiming Seth as their candidate for Auditor no matter what the Party 'elite' want the rank and file to believe", said Emery Phipps, Friends of Seth Morgan Political Director.
The Brown County Republican Party waived party rules in order to endorse Seth Morgan for Auditor of State.
Seth Morgan, CPA was elected to the Ohio House of Representatives in 2008 after serving seven years on the Huber Heights City Council. He is a Small Business Owner and Certified Public Accountant. For more information about Seth Morgan visit SethMorgan.org.
Even more telling and an indication the out of touch lemon-like leaders of the ORP have read the "tea leaf's" incorrectly because in the same meeting, Mike DeWine, who was the ONLY name presented in the AG race, failed to get the Brown County GOP endorsement.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Senate Votes NO on Becker's NLRB Appointment
Labor lawyer Craig Becker's nomination for a seat on the National Labor Relations Board failed on Tuesday afternoon, as a few Senate Democrats joined a unified Republican front to block a key Obama White House nomination.
The vote was 52-33 — 60 votes were required to proceed on the nomination. The stalled nomination is a blow to labor unions and showed fractures in the Senate Democratic Caucus, which can no longer rely on a 60-vote supermajority.Fifteen senators missed the vote when it became clear that Becker would fall well short of the 60 needed to break a filibuster.
Knowing that the labor unions would not have another voice for the Democrats on the NLRB, Labors own "talking tool" and do-nothing Senator from OH -- Sen. Sherrod Brown -- stomped his feet in disgust that they couldn't have their way....
"I'm frustrated. I'm unhappy with it," said Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio). "I hear them on the floor saying we shouldn't rush this. It's been 10 months. The Senate Republicans are the only people in the United States of America who think it should take more than 10 months to give us the option to vote up or down on a nominee who is clearly qualified."
Obama Starting New Agency to Study Global Warming
President Odipweed, refusing to acknowledge the science behind the so-called global warming was "junk science" and that D.C. has been shut down for the last couple days from an ice age like storm that buried them in snow wants to form a new agency dealing with Global Warming....
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, planned to announce Monday that NOAA will set up the new Climate Service to operate in tandem with NOAA's National Weather Service and National Ocean Service.
NOAA recently reported that the decade of 2000-2009 was the warmest on record worldwide; the previous warmest decade was the 1990s. Most atmospheric scientists believe that warming is largely due to human actions, adding gases to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.
"More and more people are asking for more and more information about climate and how it's going to affect them," Lubchenco explained. So officials decided to combine climate operations into a single unit. (TPM)
This phony agency will serve as a buttress for the Ruler of the Red Shed on the Hill plans of using the EPA under the guise of the Clean Air & Clean Water Acts for enacting regulations instead of legislation for the stalled country killing Cap & Trade bill.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Seth Morgan State Auditor (Video)
Jim Renacci: Jobs Creator, Really?
Jim Renacci claims he was only a minority owner in the Columbus Destroyers and a minor player in the restructuring of the Arena Football League (AFL). In fact, he was the leader of the AFL Board of Directors restructuring campaign and under his failed leadership, the league had to suspend the 2009 season and to date the 2010 season is effectively cancelled as well.
Mr. Renacci, lead a faction of owners that was disingenuous with their intentions concerning the league specifically, when it came to voting on whether or not to suspend the 2009season. When the first vote did not go their way, a second vote was demanded after Mr. Renacci and his cohorts convinced two other owners to change their votes thereby setting up a 75% threshold that would make future votes impossible to meet. These types of underhanded tactic as well as a centralized business model created by Mr. Renacci lead to the demise of the league.
In addition, many insiders to the process found Mr. Renacci’s lack of leadership to be a problem. Troubling as well is the concept of a centralized business model which is the anti-thesis of what people are looking for in a congressman currently. Is this centralized planning a model that he intends to bring to Washington, DC? One has to wonder because if so he will fit right in with the Democrats as this type of centralized planning is strangely reminiscent of President Obama’s agenda.
Voters of the 16th district need to decide if they want Jim Renacci who appears to be Obama light or a real conservative who actually listens to the people. You make the decision.
Arena Football restructuring leader Jim Renacci launches political campaign in Ohio
Scramble to call a timeout
Who Really Killed the AFL?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
NORAD Trains for Terrorist Attack Over N/W Ohio
From National Terror Alert --
The 180th Air National Guard at Toledo Express Airport trained for a terrorist attack Thursday. They were part of a NORAD exercise where two armed F-16’s took flight to intercept a passenger jet possibly hijacked by terrorists.
Michael Cornell, Director of Owens Community Colleg’s Center for Preparedness, says “It’s just another example of how well the country is working to prepare for what many feel is an inevitable attack.”
Cornell believes a terrorist attack is imminent, citing the failed Christmas Day bomber in Detroit.However, Cornell believes the U.S. has come a long way, but says there’s always room for growth and preparedness training. “I don’t think we’re where we need to be, but (we’re) a lot better off than we were five to ten years ago.”
Dave Yost: "I was for being Attorney General before I was against it."
You just got to wonder what one time State Attorney General candidate, now State Auditor candidate and puppet-boy for the lemon-like leadership of the Ohio Republican Party - Dave Yost - wants to be when he grows up.
Again obeying the wishes of his puppet master, the current maestro of political musical chairs -- ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine -- and performing in the sonata's of switcheroo for the "party" appears to be what Yost does best. Having political patronage jobs would be his other talent.
In 2/2003, Yost, abandoning the residents & his post as Delaware County Auditor before his term was up, all of a sudden and at the beck & call of the party powers, wanted to play Johnny Law Dog and be the Delaware County Prosecutor.
From Right OH --Voters won't elect a new county prosecutor for more than a year, but behind-the-scenes politicking is hot and heavy to decide who will be appointed this month to fill the position.
Delaware County Republican leaders will meet Tuesday to choose between a candidate with a proven track record as a criminal prosecutor and another with proven electability. Neither Assistant County Prosecutor Dane Gaschen nor County Auditor Dave Yost is confident enough to predict victory, but both say they deserve the job.
"The qualifications for this office are a lot more than just going into a courtroom," Yost said. "You need administrative experience. When you look at the entire picture, I believe I'm the most-qualified candidate."
Outgoing and politically savvy, 46-year-old Yost is seen by some as the front-runner: He's faced two elections for auditor, which have earned him valuable name recognition. He also built up political connections through a series of appointed government jobs, including deputy director of the Ohio Department of Health, press secretary to former Columbus Mayor Dana "Buck" Rinehart and assistant to the director of the Columbus Public Safety Department.
So in 2003, Yost as a County Auditor -- wanted to be County Prosecutor, now as County Prosecutor, Yost wanted to be State Attorney General and stated he is a prosecutor and not a politician. Then after a nice pat on the head & some warm & fuzzy words of encouragement from the party, like a true politician, Yost suddenly realizes he wants to run for State Auditor as an unqualified candidate.
I was wondering if you needed a college degree to be a puppet-boy for the lemon-headed leaders of the OH GOP.... I now see the only requirement is having a lack of integrity.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
More Korrectnik 'Tards

Benjamin Grundy is a student at Garfield-Palouse High School (local population: 1,100) who says the school is discriminating against his wishes to do what all the other cheerleaders are doing. Namely, dance, wave pom-poms, wear a proper uniform and not just stand like there like a statue moving his arms.
That's what Grundy and his mom say he's been reduced to since the cheerleading coach instructed him he couldn't gyrate his hips like the girls do and the athletic director allegedly suggested he be the team mascot. Since writing letters to ACLU and a local congresswoman, Garfield has offered Grundy a uniform and pom-poms. But that's not enough, says his mom.
As you can see in the video, Grundy's mother is what you might refer to as a Grizzly Bear. A primal necessity considering (and this can't be emphasized enough) Grundy is a mentally challenged, biracial gay kid growing up in a small town who wants to be a cheerleader. So excuse her when she says she wants to take her poor son's plight to Congress. (Seattle Weekly)
Unwilling to accept that cheerleaders are supposed to have four pom-poms (two they shake and two that shake) and that if God wanted men to be cheerleaders and do splits, he wouldn't have given guys a "kick stand," the mom and her 'mo-like son the mom is taking her case to Congress and is enlisting the help of Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers.
This my friends shows just exactly how f***ing retarded the korrectnik lefties really are!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pelosi Spending Spree
Below is an interesting article from Redstate.com regarding Pelosi's spending spree.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has squandered over $101,000 tax dollars on “in-flight services” on congressional delegations since 2008, according to new documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch.
Expenditures on Pelosi-led CODELs, the group’s report shows, include thousands for liquor, beer and wine. Receipts show purchase of Johnny Walker, Grey Goose, Beefeater, Maker’s Mark, Courvoisier, Dewars, Bombay Sapphire and more, all courtesy of the American tax payer.
Continue here ....
Remember the mantra "Out in 2010"
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Take the Victimhood/Oppression Rating Test
Be the first one on your block to get your official PIG-certified Oppression Rating. Don't just sit there, Sparky. It's so easy a child could do it, but he, she, heshe or it probably isn't that gullible. Can't wait to get started? That's the spirit, Sparky! Grab a crayon and some construction paper, answer PIG's Oppression Rating Test and you'll soon have exclusive bragging rights to your very own oppression rating. Think of all the fun you'll have after you're armed with this incontrovertible proof of your victimhood. Thanks to your oppressor rating, you can dazzle your homies, torture the neighborhood oppressor and make everyone's life as miserable as yours.
Crayons ready? Let's get started with an easy one:
Q1: Are you female?
Y=Give yourself 75 points.
N=Give yourself 50 points.
Q2: Are you Asian?
Y=Score doesn't change; skip to Q10.
N=No points on this one, Sparky...better luck on the next question.
Q3: Are you an Amerikan-Born Hispanic?Y=Add 5 points; skip to Q10.
N=Hang in there Sparky.
Q4: Are you a foreign born and Melanin-Enriched (Korrectniks prefer African-American)?
Y=Add 10 points; Skip to Q10.
N=Don't give up on yourself, Sparky.
Q5: Are you a Green Carded or Naturalized Hispanic?
Y=add 15 points; Skip to Q10.
N=No points on this one, Sparky, but you're heading for the Oppression Rating stratosphere.
Q6: Are you in this country illegally?
Y=We're shocked, shocked I tell you. Add 20 points; Skip to Q10.
N=It's make it or break it time Sparky.
Q7: Are you Amerikan born and Melanin-Enriched?
Y=Jackpot! Add 25 points; Skip to Q10.
N=Bummer! You were this close to the oppression index winner's circle.
Q8: Are you a caucasian female?
Y=Subtract 45 points; skip to Q10.
N=You're skating on thin ice, Sparky.
Q9: Are you a caucasian male whose name ends in 'ski'?
Y=Subtract 50 points.
N=If you're an unhypenated, straight, white male your ass is outta here, oppressor breath. Tear up your scorecard and leave quietly. Don't make us come over there.
Q10: Are you a conservative?
Y=Divide score by 2 and let that be a lesson to you.
N= Score unchanged, Comrade Sparky.
Q11: Are you a GLAAD BAAG (PIG-speak for the differently-heterosexual)?
Y=Add 10 points.
N=What's your problem, Sparky? Isn't it about time you took a walk on the wild side?
Q12: Are you a known "race traitor", "sellout" and/or any other type of "self-hating" ethnic dweeb?
Y= The PIG Oppression Rating central committee hereby declares you an oppressor. Tear up your score card and leave the room quietly.
N= Still with us, Sparky? Find a rational adult to help you total your score, then get ready to thrill everyone on your block with your Oppression Rating.
Below 25 - Pathetic. How do you stand yourself, Sparky?
25 to 49 - No cigar, Sparky, but you're in the victimhood hunt.
50-74 - Now you're talking, Sparky!
75 and Up - You're so damned oppressed it makes us puddle up. Go forth and make those oppressors miserable.
Is State Auditor Mary Taylor Chickening Out?
I understand she may have been worried about the size of her campaign chest and that the dolts in the ORP were not supporting her enough. Like that's a surprise!
The PD --
State Auditor Mary Taylor will not seek re-election and instead will be introduced Thursday as the running mate for Republican gubernatorial hopeful John Kasich, a GOP source told The Plain Dealer. More....
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Top 10 Reasons for Gun Control
Publishers Note: The following was lifted from Just John at Write On The Right who in turn, lifted it from Robert at American And Proud
Top Ten Reasons For Gun "Control":1.) Guns are used in self-defense over 2 million times a year. However, this makes the attempted crime a “non-event,” which necessarily complicates the Police investigation. Without civilian ownership of guns, these Police investigations would not have been compromised. Civilians should leave crime prevention to the Police, who are properly equipped to investigate following the crime’s completion.
2.) Some .004 % (4/1000 of 1%) of guns are used in crime each year. This is way too high. All guns should be banned.
3.) Guns are unnecessary. In 98% of civilian gun defenses, no shot is fired. If you are not going to fire a shot, you clearly don’t need a gun. This proves that the guns are unnecessary. Banning guns will prevent these unnecessary defenses.4.) Guns cause criminal migration. In tough gun-law Washington, D. C., violent crime rates are very high. This high crime rate is caused by the migration of criminals from gun havens like Virginia. This migration is caused by the criminal’s cowardly avoidance of armed householders and concealed-carry civilians. This criminal migration is detrimental to helpless unarmed citizens in no-gun areas and must be stopped. Guns should be banned everywhere.
5.) Most gun crimes are committed by inner city gangs and drug dealers. These relatively small and geographically restricted groups consistently commit the majority of gun crimes, which usually peak as turf wars erupt over Drug War changes. The best way to prevent this is by denying guns to all law abiding people everywhere.
6.) No woman needs to protect herself from rape, assault or murder. The Police will protect women by investigating the crime after the fact. Remember, Police paperwork is all the protection anyone really needs.
7.) Gun owners are disrespectful of authority. Good citizens should completely rely on the authorities. A failure to do so is an invariable sign of improper and overly independent attitudes. Failure to completely and absolutely trust and depend on the authorities is excessive democracy, and sends a bad message to children.8.) Gun owners engaging in self-defense are taking the law into their own hands. This is wrong. Only the Police and Criminals have the right to take the law into their own hands. It should be kept out of the hands of citizens.
9.) Children and young people should remain ignorant about guns. Real guns and real gun knowledge dissipate the fantasies created by violent video games and TV. Ignorance, once lost, can never be restored and needs to be protected. Not to mention the lost sales of all the violent movies, TV shows, video games, etc!
10.) Guns reduce people’s reliance on the Police and Government. This fosters a mistaken belief in “rights”. No person has the right to question authority. No person should be less than 100% dependent upon authority. This is fundamental to social order. Banning guns will help to establish the Order the authorities want. This is good.Gun Control – Simple Solutions for Simple Minds.