Sunday, July 6, 2008

Illegal Immigrants to cost Los Angeles County over $1 Billion

After reading the below post of San Fagcisco Mayor Gavin Newsome facing a tornado of turds for his love of chimichanga criminals, we can again use the "Outhouse of the United States," Mexifornia, as an example of the "benefits" we receive from the illegal ilks infiltrating our borders.

How often do we hear how the illegal Mexican Jumping Beans hopping our border help our economy and they take jobs that nobody wants?

From ALIPAC --
New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $36 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in May 2008. These findings were announced by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $19 million in welfare assistance for May 2008 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations, for a projected annual cost of $432 million.

“Illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers,” said Antonovich. “With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $432 million in welfare allocations, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education.”

Yep, they sure are helping L.A.'s economy!


  1. Illegal aliens have a unique, gangster-style vision of the American Dream that has been emboldened by the likes of Bush, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Kennedy and globalist corporatists who can’t do without their indentured servants.

    In the illegal alien’s corrupt minds, they think it makes perfect sense, both logically and morally, to ignore America's borders, immigration laws, employment laws, income tax laws and any law that stops them from pursuing their far greater objective. They feel entitled to pursue their own personal enrichment at the expense of the American citizen, worker and taxpayer.

  2. the failure to adequately address this issue has cost the republican party alot of power in congress in the last 10 years.

  3. Hi, thanks for reading and commenting.

    While I fully support Juan "Run for the Border" McSpain - his immigration policies suck!

    I fully believe the next attack on the U.S. will come via our open border with Mexico.

  4. Hi, thanks for reading and commenting.

    While I fully support Juan "Run for the Border" McSpain - his immigration policies suck!

    I fully believe the next attack on the U.S. will come via our open border with Mexico.

  5. Hi, thanks for reading and commenting.

    While I fully support Juan "Run for the Border" McSpain - his immigration policies suck!

    I fully believe the next attack on the U.S. will come via our open border with Mexico.

  6. i agree. so do george bushs'. too bad we couldn't elect buchanan.

  7. Have you heard the saying, when California sneezes, the rest of the country catches the flu? Generally what starts in California eventually spreads to the rest of the country. That is, unless a state takes measures to resist it. Unless every state realistically tackles illegal immigration by instituting Comprehensive Immigration ENFORCEMENT, which California has refused to do, this is what you can expect:

    As of 2006, California contained greater than 25% of the total illegal alien population within the U.S. Many of these illegals concentrate in Los Angeles. New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September. Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits are going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million. "This new information shows an alarming increase in the devastating impact Illegal immigration continues to have on Los Angeles County taxpayers," said Antonovich, LA County Supervisor. "With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $444 million in welfare allocations, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education."

    Just keep in mind that the $37 million a month is for only one county in one state and is only welfare and foodstamp benefits. It doesn't include hospital care, education, fraud, wage depression, crime, depreciation of housing values, the portion of bad loans given to illegal aliens by banks, insurance costs and the myriad of other burdensome expenses that illegal aliens put on the backs of American citizens. There are 29 sanctuary cities in California and because of that there should be little wonder why so many illegal aliens stay in this state. They basically operate with impunity and even if they get arrested for a serious crime there is little chance of them being deported. They can sign up for welfare and food stamps with no questions asked and the hospitals provide them with free care as long as there are still emergency rooms that can’t turn them away for lack of funds. All things considered, California has rolled out the welcome mat for them.

    Is there any wonder that California is right now in a fiscal crisis emergency with a budget deficit greater than $14 billion and growing? Reliable estimates calculate illegal aliens cost the state $10.5 billion each year! So what’s Schwarzenegger’s solution? A 10 percent across-the-board reduction in state agency funding,, transferring $2 billion in spending to the next fiscal year and increasing taxes. Why not cut all public services to those not in the U.S. legally? Just a simple thought on my part that would go a long way to putting California back on its feet. A bell should be ringing in your head about right now that tells you this is what is coming throughout America if you refuse to demand that legislators stop illegal immigration, remove illegal aliens and enforce our laws.

  8. just kill the liberals and white metrosexuals. freakin pansies!

  9. Zeezil - you are preaching to the choir on illegal immigration. I cannot agree with you more!

    Anon - Your solution for immigration will be logged in at the #3 spot. #1 & #2 are as follows;

    #1.) Land Mine Lotto -- Hambo & Porcus at Politically Incorrect Gazette have created a wonderful game for the illegal border jumping beaners to play. Any participant making it through Land Mine Lotto will be subject to solution #2.

    #2.) KRS's Human Slingshot --
    Any Taco Head making it through Land Mine Lotto get sent back via the Human Slingshot!

    If these fail, we will resort to your suggestion.


Don't be scared!