Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Obama is really saying about Hope & Change

From Hambo's Hammer at PIG --

Hope & Change

Here's what Messiah Barry Obama really means when he casts his hypnotic "hope" and "change" spell.

"If you always hoped you could change the U. S. Constitution from the solid foundation of our liberty into an obscure ‘where has it gone’ historical footnote, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ into ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his need’, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change inalienable individual liberty into the shackles of Nanny State slavery, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change American prosperity into abject poverty, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change America’s military might into defenselessness, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change success and achievement from virtues into vices, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change America into an impoverished, enslaved, defenseless nation, I’m your man."

"If you always hoped you could change Jihad Jimmy Carter from the worst president in American history into ‘the good old days’, I’m your man."

Parting shot: If you think getting Messiah Barry into the White House looked, hard, you ain't seen nothing, yet. Hard is trying to get this Marxist bastard out again. He's already told us what he thinks of the United States Constitutiton. Were you paying attention, 8 years isn't a lifetime Sparky?

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