Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Increase of Supremacist Groups

Report: Supremacist activity flourishes
Factions fueled by anti-immigrant passions grow by 33 percent

NEW YORK (AP) - Huge street protests made millions of immigrants more visible and powerful last year, but they also seem to have revived a hateful counter force: white supremacists.

Groups linked to the Ku Klux Klan, skinheads and neo-Nazis grew significantly more active, holding more rallies, distributing leaflets and increasing their presence on the Internet — much of it focused on stirring anti-immigrant sentiment.

“Extremist groups are good at seizing on whatever the hot button is of the day and twisting the message to get new members,” Deborah M. Lauter, ADL civil rights director, said Monday.

Last May in Alabama, an anti-immigration rally included slogans such as, “Let’s get rid of the Mexicans!” according to the document, titled “Ku Klux Klan Rebounds.”

“The Klan is increasingly cooperating with other extremist groups and Neo-Nazi groups,” Lauter said. “That’s a new phenomenon.”

Klan resurgence between 2000 and 2005, hate groups mushroomed 33 percent and Klan chapters by 63 percent, according to Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes.

Potok’s group counts as many as 150 Klan chapters with up to 8,000 members nationwide. More than 800 hate groups exist around the country, More...


First, I in no way support the views or action of these "Hate" Groups.

But I think this shows the importance of the illegal immigrants allowed to enter our country. On Cavuto last night there was a lady saying illegal immigrants should also get minimum wage and benefits.

This women was unable to get it through her head that illegal immigrants have no rights in this country as Americans. They are entitled to NOTHING other then a quick ride back over the border.

I am far from a bleeding heart, but we have people here in our country we can't take care of. I am more than willing to have open arms to immigrants that want to enter legally, but we sure as hell don't need more illegal immigrants to take care of.


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