Saturday, February 17, 2007

Should Cleveland Mayor Be Investigated?

It seems like some of the support Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has with the editors of the Plain Dealer is starting to wear thin.

The PD wrote....

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson needs to give a more thorough account of his role in the 2005 sale of a rehabilitated brownfield to the local housing authority - a deal Jackson said he opposed.

When the story broke, this newspaper expressed a belief that Jackson was being truthful
when he said he dropped the ball. Since then, additional questions have been raised, and a more detailed explanation from the mayor is in order.

Jackson, who previously said he would answer any question anytime, has been anything but helpful. He has simply stood by his original, abbreviated story, but that is no longer sufficient.

The Forgotten Triangle cleanup could have been a model of city and private partnerships bringing new jobs to Cleveland. Instead, it will be remembered as an opportunity squandered.

And that's why Frank Jackson owes Clevelanders the whole story.

Seems like remembering squandered opportunities in the Cleveland & Cuyahoga County area is becoming more & more common.

Jackson's failure to be forthcoming on this tangled web of deceit can only lead one to speculate he has something to hide.

Previous requests for investigations into wrongdoing at the Forgotten Triangle by the PD and Senator George Voinovich have gone unanswered.


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