Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Truth About Islam

Here is a great article by Amil Imani of Persian Journal for all the brainwashed Obamatron who as their Messiah - Barack Obama - believes Islam is a peaceful religion and the self-exploding jihadikaze's can be dealt with sensibly...

From Persian Journal --
I am bombarded by hate and threats by the Allah-fearing fanatics, simply because I speak the truth about Islam. If telling the truth about Islam is Islam bashing, then mea culpa.

Question: Does Islam get a pass because it is a religion? Who says Islam is a religion? Millions do? What is the evidence? The words of masses of brainwashed carriers of the Islamic virus, transmitted to them by their parents, are worthless as evidence. What counts is the irrefutable fact that this creed, claimed to be the one and only religion of Allah, has been and continues to be a source of great suffering for non-Muslims as well as the ignorant masses of Muslims themselves.

I will share with you just a few of thousands of horrific things that Muslims do to people of other religions or those without any religion at all....

The Bible says “By their fruit shall ye know them.” I said this before and I’ll say it for as long as this vicious cult keeps up with its abominable deeds: Islam is violence. Islam is intolerant of non-Muslims. Islam is a vestige of a barbaric past. Islam must be confronted, shown for what it is and stopped from overtaking the world. More...

I wonder if anybody told Amil that the "Anointed One" Messiah Barry has been appointed as the new Allah by his Obamacrats?

Some Obamacrat must have forgot to tell Amil that with a sweep of his hand the "Anointed One" (or the New Allah - Barack O'Allah - when in Muslim countries) can erase all the death and destruction the Islamikazes have created since the inception of their cult?

Does Amil not know that only he - Barack O'Allah - will soon have jihadikazes of this peaceful religion dancing instead of exploding in the streets?


  1. I think it's funny how a select group of people in your country gets off on making brown-bashing neologisms.

  2. brown bashing? Please cite where?

  3. Apologies. I didn't actually pick up "brown-bashing" per se in your article. I did, however, notice slight ignorance of basic Muslim theology, although perhaps I misread.

    Muslims would never refer to any self-appointed Messiah as the "New Allah". They *might* call him the new Mohammad, but as you may have noticed, they tend to take their religion seriously, and so any misuse of both names would just be breaking a huge taboo.

    Just slightly irksome. Also, referring to one of the three dominant world religions as a "virus" is extremely misguided and insulting, but a) that's not your fault, b) doesn't seem to be a problem on this blog.


Don't be scared!