Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Everybody Must Get Stoned!

Anyone that reads my blog, or just happens by, will see that I try to keep up to speed on events out of Iran. But, I am continually amazed on why no outcry from the left.

It can be stated as fact that Iran endorses and aids terrorism, responsible for inciting sectarian violence in Iraq, inciting violence in Lebanon, is a rogue state trying to acquire nuclear weapons, has sworn destruction on Israel & U.S., etc.... I could go on and on, but this post is about Iran's continual violation of human rights & international law.

Dissent is most often met with unabated police brutality. Women have almost no rights and are routinely forced into prostitution.

In the 2007 Amnesty International Annual Report it notes that Iran continues to hand out sentences of flogging, amputation, eye-gouging, public hangings, , execution of children, & people are still being stoned to death. My favorite is being thrown off a cliff in a burlap sack.

The offenses for theses sentences can range from petty theft up to murder and rape. Quite often these sentences are handed down to women not dressed correctly to adultery. In Iran, homosexuality and adultery are crimes punishable by death!

Iran has just earned protests from Norway, Sweden & UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour for the stoning to death of a man convicted of adultery.....

The Iranian government confirmed Tuesday that a man was executed by stoning last week for committing adultery, and said that 20 more men would be executed in the coming days on morality violations.

He said the 20 additional executions were for such things as “rape, insulting religious sanctities and laws, and homosexuality.” Most executions in Iran are hangings, often in public and at the scenes of the alleged crimes.

Stoned to death for moral crimes!?!

Why aren't the liberal left super heroes crying about these violations like they are about Darfur or their "fart in a jar/save gas" global warming hype?

Think about it...... I ask you liberal lefties - Pretty damn good country we live in huh?


  1. Hey I thought the conservative approach would be smaller govt and LESS govt intervention.. and that's just here at home, no way we're gonna get involved in other country's societal problems.

    That's the conservative way, no?

    So your complaint about 'liberals' not raging against Iran social injustice, sounds like they're just doing the right thing and acting like a good conservative should.

    But that ideological dogma thing you've got going looks good on ya.

  2. I agree with your first assertion on the conservative approach.

    I was not making a complaint about the liberals, I was pointing out their usual hypocrisy.

    The liberals and their media super hero freinds rail about Human Rights violations in Darfur, and how they want the U.S. to get involved and help.

    Al "The Global Warming Whore" Gore, jets around the country burning holes in the ozone to tell us, "the sky is falling."

    Yet, nothing about a country that routinely hands out death sentences for moral crimes.

    Could one assume you guys don't care about Iranians? Why Darfur and not Iran? Where's Cameron now?

    Which leads to my last question....

    Pretty damn good country we live in, huh?

    Let's see Dennis Kookcinich just said Iranian President Imanutjob, is not a killer and really doesn't want to destroy Israel. But you guy's & Dennis have no problem calling President Bush a killer.

    For many of the very things you guys stand for, in Iran, you would be sentenced to death.

    If this is still to confusing, I will sum it up....

    Instead of railing about how bad our country is, you should be grateful you live here!


Don't be scared!