Thursday, July 26, 2007

RPCC Platform tabled

Very, very good meeting last night on the RPCC Platform. We had intended to make a motion to table the platform as soon as the meeting started. Luckily we held off!

The rank & file began voicing their opinions for and against various language in the platform. We sat by and rolled with the punches. Mayor Akers was compared to Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson several times.

We had a loose coalition of people from various groups that pulled together to at least stall this platform.

Acknowledging the letter sent from, Jim Irvine, of Buckeye Firearms Association, the pro gun control language was immediately removed from the platform on a motion made by Chairman Frost. It is alleged the pro gun control language was an oversight. I don’t buy this.

How in the hell do you advance a GOP platform coming out for gun control, and have no pro life language?

The laundry list of items was removed from the Home Rule portion of the platform.

Attempts were made to remove the reform of public sector pensions / Double Dipping. Bruce Trakas spoke out against removing this. A vote was taken and this language will be kept on the platform. Great Job by Bruce!

The supporting of minority candidates topic was good!

Platform proposed to increase minority participation in the party and increase minority candidates. It was noted that there were NO minorities on the platform committee.

I laughed as I looked around the room and saw several minorities sitting in the crowd. Sure was nice to see Virgil Brown Sr. among other "minorities" in the crowd. If we were sincere, Mr. Brown Sr, Jr. or any others in the room could have been on the committee.

I know of one black women that is a tremendous addition to our Central Committee and would be a great asset on any committee.

Mr. Brown Sr. and many of the Cleveland precinct people voiced their opposition to reducing Cleveland Council seats. Richard May spoke frankly about the shortcomings of these ideas. He elaborated on how this would be a godsend to the dems of the area and the size of the proposed wards would be unrealistically to large.

The meeting was scheduled to end at 7:30pm. At 7:28pm, I called for a motion to table the platform. I explained it is unrealistic, in the format this is being debated, to expect our party to leave this room tonight with a platform that will lead us to success.

A oral vote was taken, the no’s screamed louder they yeas. I then immediately asked for a division of votes and a hand count was taken. This hand count showed the true vote and changed the outcome.

We WON! 57 for, 54 against!

Had this been put to a vote to accept or defeat the platform, I believe we would not have been successful. I will be working to have the platform completely redrafted and resubmitted to the party for review. I will be contacting central & executive committee members of our party urging them to submit their views to the RPCC on what our platform should reflect. Should their opinions not be included the next time the platform is debated, our support against this will grow.

But speaking with Chairman Frost after the meeting and explaining my position and concerns, I do believe our party will do the right thing. I am fully confident that this platform will be reworked with close cooperation and input from the rank & file.

If our concerns are not addressed, we will work to have the platform defeated and/or tabled again.

The following is from an email forwarded to me from a fellow RPCC Central Committee member. The original email is from a "New" Central Committee member and her take of the meeting.....

......And it was quite interesting. I arrived at 5:20 PM. I was on the very first row and first seat by the camera crew.

I like Rob Frost. He seems to truly enjoy being the Chairman and appears to be quite knowledgeable; however, he, respectfully, really should brush up on Robert's Rules of Order.

When a committee chair gives a report, it should be "moved" by the committee chair for adoption. No second is required. Then the debate goes from there...motions can be made to strike out words and insert others or add words, etc. "Aye" is in favor and "nay" is opposed.

When something is "tabled" and seconded, the vote occurs immediately, no hesitation. (When Ralph made his motion the first time to table the entire platform and it received a second, it should have been voted on immediately. If I 'm not mistaken, it superseded the motion on the floor.)

The second time around Ralph made the motion to table (and seconded); then the chair asked whether "we" have the room until 9:00 PM. That was not relevant and out of order. And the chair shouldn't have added "until the next meeting" as that was not part of the tabling motion being made, but put the maker of the motion on the spot to agree.

And any suspending of the rules, I don't believe is the chair's call requires a 2/3 vote of the body, as does the limiting or extending of the debate. Everything else is pretty much a majority vote. (The rules of debate should be voted on by the body at the beginning of the meeting.)

When the "question" is called (and seconded) the debate stops immediately and it requires a vote, no discussion. And 2/3, not just the majority must agree to call for the previous question...

I just love a lively debate provided Robert's Rules of Order are followed to ensure the playing field is equal. :0) For those kinds of intense debates a CERTIFIED parliamentarian should be on hand. I’m not sure if the guy giving Rob parliamentary advice was such a person, but maybe he was and Rob wasn’t totally listening to him. That was a tough crowd with MANY opinions; Frost did well under fire.

The debate over whether to endorse two candidates from Rocky River was amazing! And in many ways out of order by Robert's Rule of Order standards. The entire debate was highly entertaining.

The dynamics in the room was very interesting. I look forward to the next meeting. :0)


  1. Fascinating. Thanks for writing this up, Ralph.

  2. You guys did a hell of a job! It is about damn time somebody stood up to these guys.

    I can't believe it!

    Thank You

  3. Nicely done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. King,

    Is it possible to post an overview of the debate about the Rocky River council race from you or your friend?

    Thanks, Joe

  5. I was in the back of the room the whole time.

    I supported the Kotach guy.

    A motion was voted on making a single endorsement for Hunt. I was against this. I felt it should have went to both candidates or none.

    Division of the house was called after voice vote and motion passed.

    But I have heard some one is giving out false information saying there was a written vote.... that is a flat out LIE!

    I would call anyone saying this a liar to their face.

    Hope Kotach has some fund raisers, would love to go support him.

  6. Joe,

    read the threads at Right Angle Garbage (RAG). Proves my point about that site too.

    The comments could not be farther than the truth. No written vote as I said before.

    Like I said above, I was at the back of the room the WHOLE time. And watched everything that went on. It was highly entertaining.

    No, I will not be more detailed so Senor Troll can twist it to make further groundless attacks against the RPCC.

    I find it highly suspect that somebody will make accusations but refuse to be named or name the people who did wrong. Especially since they are misrepresenting the events of the evening.

    If some one took part in non members voting and it was witnessed, I say be a man and confront that person. If not shut up.

    Furthermore, I did not see what is being alleged. If I had, you can bet I would have said something.

    I will say this though... The Kotach group made some basic mistakes, knowing what they were going up against.

    There were many missed opportunities on their part and the other side exploited them.

    But I do believe he had the upperhand and allowed it to slip away.

    If Mr. Kotach would like to further discuss this in private, he can contact me.

  7. Thanks for the info!

  8. “Very, very good meeting last night on the RPCC Platform. We had intended to make a motion to table the platform as soon as the meeting started. Luckily we held off! “

    It's too bad you waited, I wouldn’t have wasted 2 hours of my time that I could have spent with my family.

    I think the meeting was an embarrassment to the Republican Party. I try and stay out of all the pettiness and stick with supporting our local and National candidates.

    What was so wrong with the Platform? Less Government in Cuyahoga County, Less government in Cleveland, Speaking out against Double Dipping Government pensions. Instead at every issue people spoke out against these issues. Some spoke so long and incoherently, you could not tell if they were speaking for or against an issue.

    Why does Cleveland need 21 councilman? We have more councilman per population than almost any city in America? Our population is declining and will soon be below 400,000. For each councilman we pay their salary, plus benefits, plus staff, plus pensions. Maybe some of you from all those nice suburbs can bail us out in Cleveland, when there are so few of us Cleveland taxpayers to pay these salaries and pensions.

    Speaking of the Double dipping from our fine public servants. All you heard was wining by the teachers and other officials in attendance. How is it right that someone can retire as a Superintendent of a school system one day and be hired back the next. Most private companies don’t have pensions anymore, and if you are lucky enough to have one, you aren’t allowed to work for the company once you take them. No wonder there are few jobs for the young in the county, the public sector retires keep staying on after retirement.

    It seems to me that the Platform Committee spent quite a bit of time putting together a decent platform. Not perfect but a good start. One of our finest Mayor’s in the County, Mayor Akers, was treated with snide remarks and catcalls from some in the back of the room. He deserved better treatment.

    I am sure that we could bring all sorts of issues into this platform and divide our party and I’m sure the Democrats will just love it. Meanwhile 2 of our County Commissioners just voted to increase our Sales tax. We are one of the highest tax counties in one of the highest tax states.

    I had hoped that we would have passed a resolution opposing the tax, but that didn’t happen. Are we going to do anything to try and rescind this tax or will we debate it for the next several months?

    One of the few highlights of the meeting was the salute given to State Rep Josh Mandel on his fine service to our Country and the encouraging words from Mike Dovilla from Iraq. To me they were the shining stars of the night and our party.
    I hope and pray for their safe return while they are serving America.

    Ward 13, Cleveland


Don't be scared!