Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hillary & Obama - Nuclear "Name That Tune"

Simply Amazing! Hillary Clinton now has a plan!

Instead of criticizing Bush at every turn on his efforts to stop Iran and curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions and capabilities, Hillrod will re-phrase what we are trying to do and call it her own.

True to democrat form, her version lacks any backbone and fails to address how she would deal with Iran, N. Korea and /or Russia's penchant for selling nuclear technology to rogue nations that sponsor terrorism.

And of course, we will increase funding to create another advisor position to accomplish nothing other than to create a report or study that backs Hillrod's views.

From the NY Sun --

Decrying a lack of urgency in the Bush administration's response to the threat, Mrs. Clinton yesterday announced legislation to increase funding for the protection of nuclear reactor sites worldwide and to require the president to appoint a senior White House advisor on nuclear terrorism.

She outlined the proposal in a Washington speech to the inaugural forum of the Center for New American Security, during which she singled out nuclear proliferation as paramount among a litany of failures that she attributed to President Bush's foreign policy. More....

Oops, almost forgot about Obama. He has a plan too.

Thinking he is playing the nuclear version of the old TV show, "Name That Tune," Obama claims he could do the same thing, but in 4 years.

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