Girlieman of the Week
Date Awarded: January 26, 2008
Girlieman: Barry "Mr. Steroid" Bonds
Antics: Won’t man up about his ‘sins’.

Will Barry finally man up and take responsibility for his own actions? You know better, tragically deluded Sparky. Barry is doing his usual tap dance around the truth, trying for a ‘missed me again’ trifecta.
How, you ask, is Barry trying to duck this one? He’s claiming that the charges against him are much too vague. The feds are deliberately trying to confuse poor Barry with these vague charges, making it next to impossible for him to keep his lies straight:
‘...The 43-year-old all-time home run leader was indicted two months ago on charges he lied to a grand jury in December 2003 about using performance-enhancing drugs while being questioned in the probe into the BALCO steroids scandal. His lawyers maintain that the charges are so "scattershot" and confusing that Bonds cannot even defend himself. The motion asks U.S. District Judge Susan Illston to consider the argument Feb. 29, urging her to either toss out the case or order prosecutors to rewrite the indictment to clarify the charges...’ (Chicago Tribune)
For lacking the spine to be a man...for being an utter and complete weasel...for his unrelenting caterwauling...for his ongoing failure to take any responsibility for his own action...for all these and numerous other reasons, Barry "Why Does Porcus Hate Me?" Bonds is the Politically Incorrect Gazette’s Girlieman of the Week.