Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cleveland Police Officer Killed

Cleveland Police Officer Derek Owens will finally get recognized for his hard work. Officer Owens will finally get the thanks owed from the community he and other officers so richly deserve everyday.

All too often the men in blue that work these thankless jobs are not thanked until it is too late...

Why now? Officer Owens was gunned down early Saturday morning on Cleveland's eastside during a routine call.

From the PD --

A 36-year-old Cleveland police officer died early this morning after being shot in the abdomen while chasing four men Friday evening in the city's southeast side.

Derek Owens, who joined the force in September 1998, was taken to MetroHealth Medical Center by a squad car after the shooting at East 102nd Street and Parkview just after 6 p.m. He died at 12:13 a.m. in surgery, hospital spokeswoman Susan Christopher said.

Police Chief Michael McGrath said, "It is a sad day for the Cleveland Police and all of Greater Cleveland. The death of Officer Owens is senseless and tragic. He was a true hero who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving his community. My prayers go out to his family.". More....

Officer Owens and his partner did nothing more than confront some hoods drinking beer at an abandoned house. Upon questioning them the suspects began to run. Giving pursuit Officer Ownes was shot and struck under his bulletproof vest.

CPD, along with help from Shaker Hts PD apprehended 4 suspects in this killing.

My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, wife and children. Being the son of a former police officer - something like this was always one of my worst nightmares growing up. This one hits close as my Father was an officer in Shaker Hts for over 20yrs.

King's Note -- The next person that post/remarks about so-called police brutalty or the use of deadly force by the CPD or any police agency - get ready to have this post shoved up your A** in a very brutal way!


  1. Of course, like a moth to the flame, there's already a story wherein the kid's mother claims he's an innocent angel. She says he doesn't smoke or drink (but curiously enough he has convictions for disorderly conduct and possession of drugs).


  2. Prince --

    I am intimately familiar with the area. Considering the weather, time of night and where these punks were hanging out - they were up to more than just drinking beer.

    As you state - the "he's a perfect angel" bullshit always follows. Just as disturbing is how in the near future something will happen and someone will be screaming police abuse or about the use of deadly force.

    I hope people can understand, but I doubt it, how in these instances a split second and 1/2" can cost an officer his life.

    We could look at this as a reverse case of the use of deadly force... The use of deadly force against an officer.

    The contrast of a punk using deadly force against a police officer and a police officer using deadly force is glaring. Policeman kills someone they are convicted immediately by many in the public and quite often the media.

    The officer is usually accused of being a "cowboy" and "wreckless." His life or death judgement is routinely slammed by armchair quarterbacks & MSM. These same critics while tucked away warmly & safely in their beds (with their family) at 2:00am could never imagine what it would be like to go running in knee deep snow between vacant house, jumping fences, through fields strewn with debris chasing bad guys and being shot at.

    These above ass hats are able to sleep safely because of the work done by the very offcers they so routinely jump to judge.

    You can bet I will be listening to Art McKoy tonight. I am interested in hearing what Mr. Hood has to say about this.

    The thugs on the other hand are coddled and cooed as you mention.

    Sort of makes me think...

    With these so-called "Angel Thugs" are shooting and killing police,why would anybody be upset when the police shoot back and kill one of them?

    Sounds more often than not that the officers are acting in self-defense against these "Angel Thugs."

  3. you nailed it king. you will see an outpouring of "sympathy" for this officer after his tragic and senseless death. but those same people are consistently silent and on the side of political correctness when the officers that are still alive need their support. really pisses me off. there will be a procession of police cars and funeral attendees as far as the eye can see, but the next time an officer needs support from the community there won't be a soul around to defend him (no mayor, no safety director, no chief, no deputy chief, no commander, no captain, no lieutenant, no sergeant, no black ministers, no white ministers - nobody except a handful of the guy's fellow rank and file brothers). if you love your family - don't let them become police officers in cleveland. it ain't worth it (i know ain't isn't a word).

  4. Anon - thanks for reading and commenting.

    It is sad the way police are looked at in some areas. All to often the public takes them fro granted. They slam the shit out of them, but they are the first ones called when someone needs help. Your remarks echo much of what my father said before he passed away. Sad thing is that even knowing this, many police continue to be policeman.

    Why? Because for many it is in their blood.

    Ben --

    Good luck in your race and yes this is a terrible story.

    My heart aches most for hs wife and children. I read things like this and havng been a policemans son, I am able to mentally put myself in their place. It is a horrible empty feeling!

  5. First of all,let me say that it's bad when anybody dies violently.
    But I'm getting sick and tired of cops threatening people (Like YOU King)about what they should or shouldn't say- then turn around and act all noble and patriotic and crap. IF you were noble then you'd allow people the freedom to express their feelings, whether or not they are favorable to your eyes or not. How so? AMERICA is FOUNDED on freedom of speech-Period. All this..."I'll shove it up your ass in a brutal way" crap not only shows your true colors and that of most "High & Mighty Cops", but also gives us an unwanted and forced insight of your true sexual deviancies and/or desires.
    As for Owens being a drug-addict, who cares? I certainly don't,as it has nothing to do with his death.
    What I CAN say is that people USUALLY reap what they sow- at least thats been my experience. I've also noticed that one gets more answers to "Police Brutality" than to "Officers killed in the line of duty" when queried for on Google. Now...I wonder why that is?
    MAYBE law enforcement officers nationwide should take a look at themselves and their inherent beliefs about "less than desirable persons" and how they (cops) react to them, and if it (their reactions) are negative and/or disrespective, find a way to find it in their hearts to treat those persons with a little more respect and dignity so that the public as a whole can view police officers with the respect that they want, and, in the end, persons of a criminal nature may not feel the NEED to react as violently as they do towards police officers.
    Otherwise, this scene will keep repeating itself over and over and over. How do I know this? Because all Americans, good or bad, big or small, pretty or ugly and black or white have one thing in common:
    Their Americanistic bad-assedness that makes us the strongest nation that the world has ever seen.
    So the sooner that law enforcement realizes that they can't control Americans by making them kneel down and grovel like pigs, the less violent Americans will react to the police.
    Mario Gambino-Austin,Texas
    atxgambino on YouTube


Don't be scared!