I guess I don't know what to say.... I knew Ham Sandwich was a select, prime choice candidate but I never imagined him dicing up Sen. George RINOvich the way he did in the on-line poll.
From deli counters, restaurants, grocery stores, diners and cafes, Ham Sandwich appeared to be the appetizing choice for most everyone's plate. RINOvich got smoked by Ham Sandwich 69% to 30%.
Team Ham released this statement on the poll....
"We think this poll clearly illustrates that by 2010, Ham Sandwich will only be half as stale as Senator George Voinovich is right now," said campaign manager Matt Hurley. "The senator can continue to ignore our campaign at his peril, but we're really cooking and we've only just gotten started. Ham has the fire in the belly to take this thing all the way. Let me guarantee you this: Ham Sandwich will bring home the bacon."
Coming out of nowhere, well from the back of the meat cooler, Ham Sandwich began his party tray of political plundering after realizing the stale Senator from Ohio was effective as feeding a 300lb man with a can of spam.
Well Georgy Porgy kissed the Republicans and made them cry..... it looks like you may be getting sent off to the RINO farm.
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