Lynne "No Man" Bowman, executive director of Equality Ohio, a sissy & lesbo advocacy group, has convinced GOP Rep. Jon "Peter Beater" Peterson & House Squeeker John "Who said I was a conservative" Husted to polish up their RINO horns and help ram through legislation granting "special status" rights to gays and lesbians.
Backers of the legislation - which has been introduced previously by Democratic lawmakers without a single hearing being granted - are optimistic that the time is right for Ohio to become the 22nd state to pass such a bill. However, supporters could muster only a lone Republican in each chamber who agreed to co-sponsor the legislation, which doesn't bode well for the bill's chances.
Rep. Jon Peterson, of Delaware, the sole Republican House co-sponsor, acknowledged that his colleagues are going to be tough to win over.
"I have my work cut out for me," he said. "I can't pretend to look into the hearts of my colleagues, but we will have an open dialogue."
Yet, Bowman said Republican committee chairmen who will handle the bill in each chamber have promised full hearings on the legislation this year. And House Speaker Jon Husted sounded open to the legislation covering employment, housing and public accommodations when asked by reporters Tuesday following a House floor session.
"I just don't think we should be for any sort of discrimination in Ohio, particularly with our economic situation the way that it is," said Husted. "I think we should try to be an inviting state for all types of people." He said that support from Ohio business groups could be crucial to broadening support for the measure.
Yes, "Who Said" Husted correctly points out the bleak economic situation we are facing in Ohio, so the best thing would be to create a "Special Status" for these perverted pagans that will saddle employers with another potential frivolous lawsuit.
Yep, Adam & Steve will be able to keep thier jobs whether they are doing them or not. They will be able to skip around the office humming each other or Barry Man-I-Blow songs free of worry they may lose their jobs.
So without further ado -- Kings Right Site is awarding the "Golden RINO Award" to tormented GOP elected officials - GOP Rep. Jon "Peter Beater" Peterson & House Squeeker John "Who said I was a conservative" Husted for ramming their RINO horns up the ass-crack of conservatism and biting the bone of the Radical Gay Agenda !
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