Monday, March 24, 2008

Politics Ohio

I have been checking out the Politics Ohio site and think this is a very worthwhile site for all bloggers to add on their BlogRolls.

Ben Keeler from the Keeler Report does the conservative views and Kyle Kutuchief serves up the cool-aid with liberal views.


  1. Thanks, King. Good to be recognized on top sites like this one.

  2. Ben,

    Thanks for the compliment, I'm blushing! LOL

    The ABJ should be commended. Newspapers are unable to "get" the news like some bloggers do.

    You & Kyle offer a perspective that they cannot offer.

    Keep up the good work.

  3. King, the kool aid is delicious. Let me get you a glass.

    Seriously, thanks for the link. Truly appreciated.

  4. Kyle, Kyle, Kyle!

    Ben says you make great cool-aid.

    I need to ask what is better -

    Obama Berry or Clinton Cherry?

    If you have a nice glass of GOP Punch, I will gladly take a swig.

    Linking to a good site such as yours is my pleasure.

    Oops, gotta go... I hear some sniper fire!


Don't be scared!