From Politically Incorrect Gazette --
Girlieman of the Week
Date Awarded: March 21, 2008
Girlieman: Barack "Uncle Jemima" O’Dumbo
Antics: Relentless Race Pandering

Yes, O’Dumbo is still being bitch-slapped for whining piteously. However... After the way O’Dumbo just took his caterwauling to record-setting, mind-numbing levels, we are compelled to make him our Girlieman for the second consecutive week.
This week, during his long-winded, self-serving, inescapable whine about racism, he sank to new depths. In the process, O’Dumbo demonstrated his utter and complete unsuitability for the office he seems destined to win.
To win that coveted Oval Office prize, he threw his grandmother under the bus by, tacitly, calling her a racist. According to one columnist, Barack changed the story, making her alleged racism more egregious, during his speech, a fact that flies in the face of the story he told about his grandmother in a book about him. In the tome, he reported that she was ‘afraid of a certain black man who had physically accosted her’. In his speech, Barack vilified granny by making it sound like she got the ‘there’s a black man’ shakes when she simply passed a Melanin-Enriched male on the street. Barack, you rat bastard, that’s no way to thank a woman who worked her fingers to the bone to get you were you are today.
Far from finished, O’Dumbo threw his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, under the bus. He threw whitey under the bus. He even threw his Melanin-Enriched home boys and girls under the bus. By the time he finished with his bloviating, Barack O’Dumbo had sent out the word, far and wide: "Everyone, from sea to shining sea is a racist, except me. Vote early, vote often, vote O’Dumbo."
For boldly, publically, proving how egregiously we underestimated him, last week...for showing the world how utterly and completely spineless he is...for his smugly self-righteous race pandering, this putrid pile of political punk crap, Barack "Uncle Jemima" O’Dumbo, is the Politically Incorrect Gazette’s Girlieman of the Week, for the second week in a row.
Ralph, the "Uuncle Jemima" is over the line, don't you think? I mean criticize the guy all you want. But "Uncle Jemima"? I guess manners and class and good taste and being polite are just beyond some people. Are you ate up or what? Are you running for grand dragon? When you say stuff like Uncle Jemima you are occupying the other end of the same spectrum that you criticize Jeremiah Wright for occupying. That verbal vomit you spewed here seems just as putrid.
ReplyDeletewould it be better if he had called Aunt Jemima
ReplyDeleteI will give your cute little remarks a response in the morning. Right now I have to get ready - am going to a Sweater Puppy Rodeo.
If this post has you upset I am sure the Plundercrap crew is, as Hambo would say, thrilled spitless! I bet they even banned my soul after I die for reposting some of Hambo's brilliance.
Speaking of the pagan scribbler Hambo he weighed in on your comments. They must be running low on red meat at the PIG Bunker
Bill this is from Hambo specially for you...
Little Billy Sloat needs to grow pair, get over himself and develop a sense of humor. If he ever pulls his head out of his butt, he might want to try something new, like breathing the unfouled air of Objective Reality.
You are empowered to bestow the following reality checks on Little Billy:
One: I, the one, the only, accept no substitutes, Hambo coined the term "Uncle Jemima" and pinned it on Barak O’Dumbo.
Two: "Uncle Jemima" was, in fact, my initial reaction, the moment I saw that image of O’Dumbo in his ceremonial Africa garb.
Three: "Uncle Jemima" is a joke - not the best I’ve ever spewed - but a JOKE, none the less.
Four: If Little Billy keeps walking around with that Jupiter-size chip on his shoulder, I’m going to dispatch Spike The Wonder Tyke to ‘help’ Little Billy get rid of it.
You may tell him all this on my behalf, since this pagan scribbler has deemed your new comments gizmo deficient, when it comes to being user friendly.