Sunday, March 9, 2008

Geitenneuker's get Turbans Twisted - Again!

The above picture shows Afghan students burning a Netherlands flag over their outrage of Mohammad cartoons that were republished in a Danish Newspaper and a film made by a Dutch lawmaker portraying the Koran as fascist.

This cartoon of Old Mo' is one of the cartoons that retwisted the turbans on all the geitenneukers who have taken to the streets in protest. The cartoons caused deadly riots in 2006 when they were first printed. Recently learning of a plot to kill the cartoonist - the paper had them republished. (Click on the picture to go see all the cartoons.)

Besides being pissed off and wanting to kill every Swedish & Danish person in the world - guess who else they're pissed off at for the cartoons? Come on take a guess.....

From Fox News --

The several thousand demonstrators shouted slogans against Denmark and the Netherlands. They also chanted "Death to America" and "Long live Al Qaeda."

"We don't want Dutch and Danish forces in Afghanistan. If our government does not kick them out, we will continue our demonstrations until they leave Afghanistan," said one protester, university student Qari Ibrahim. "If these forces do not leave, we are prepared to carry out suicide attacks against them."

Similar protests have broken out in at least half a dozen other Afghan cities including the capital, Kabul, where 200 lawmakers shouted "Death to the enemies of Islam" outside the country's parliament Tuesday. More....
We (the U.S.) had nothing to do with the cartoons or the movie, but we too are lumped in with their latest shit fit. If you so much as fart the wrong way, these extremist nut jobs will think of some way it offends Islam or Mohammad.

Here are some examples of how the jihadikaze's dealt with others for offending the tolerant, peace loving cult of Islam...

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