Sunday, March 30, 2008

Man caught having Sex with a... PICNIC TABLE!

Yeah - pills and therapy will cure this guy!

From Fox News --

Police say a man in Bellevue, Ohio was caught on tape having sex with a picnic table.

Bellevue Police Captain Matt Johnson says Art Price, Jr., 40, was seen on four occasions between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and noon having sex with his picnic table.

The neighbor -- who wishes to remain anonymous -- saw Price walk out onto his deck, stand a round metal table on its side and use the hole in the umbrella to have sex. A neighbor videotaped Price.

"The first video we had, he was completely nude. He would use the hole from the umbrella and have sex with the table," Johnson says. More...


  1. Not sure who is more fucked up here... the guy having sex with his table or the GUY WHO FILMED IT MULTIPLE TIMES!?


    The guy was in his own back yard.

    But the neighbor was watching? More than once? And filmed it?

    Who is really the perv here?

  2. Joseph

    Even though I am banned from your site, you are more than welcome to still post here. One thing - no more F word. Thanks.

    I don't know.... I would be on the phone with my buddies telling them to bring beer. I'd tell them you have to come watch my neighbor screw his picnic table. I'd have a darn party!

    How else could you convince anybody that some wack job is boning a metal picnic table but to film it?

    I do need to ask - I see you made no remarks about my Garlic Nose Italian post. Nothing to say about the left selective free speech?

  3. His poor wife & kids

  4. You wonder what his wife must look like if he is banging a picnic table.


  5. Maybe a lawn chair or a 32 quart cooler?


Don't be scared!