Steaming Load #1: L. A. Police Chief William Bratton puts politics ahead of public safety.

* Confronted with data that Colonista gangs are engaging in ethnic cleansing on a massive scale to rid whole neighborhoods of it’s melanin-enriched denizens, Chief Bratton refused to face that reality. Egged on by L. A. Mayor Tony Villar, Bratton insisted that it only appears that Latino gangbangers (many of whom are here illegally) are targeting blacks for ‘racial reasons’. Pull your head out of Tony Villar’s Butt and admit the facts, Bratton: you’ve got a damn race war on your hands.
* Hounded by the usual suspects throughout the city, he’s playing Korrectnik staffing games with the best officers in his command. Swilling that diversity Kool-Aid, Bratton is lowering the high entry standards that screen out the merely mortal to put a woman - even if she’s egregiously unqualified - onto the elite SWAT team.
* Thanks to a stinker that predates Bratton - Special Order 40, which won’t allow the LAPD to check a suspect’s immigration status - a notorious gang-banger named Pedro Espinoza was arrested, kicked loose and allowed to gun down an exceptional young athlete named Jamiel Shaw Jr. Jamiel had his life headed in the right direction. He was a young man who had a bright future ahead of him when Espinoza murdered him.
This racially-motivated murder was avoidable, if the police were allowed to do their job, unimpeded by Special Order 40. When he was arrested, Espinoza insisted he didn’t know where he was born. In a rational world, one unsullied by Special Order 40, the cops would have held onto Espinoza until they checked his immigration status. Instead of holding him and checking his status with ICE, the LAPD invoked Special Order 40 and kicked Espinoza loose to murder Jamiel.
Espinoza is back in jail where he belongs and is facing a murder charge with special circumstances. Normally, that would make him eligible for the death penalty, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. With Villar and Bratton running the city, Espinoza will probably get an apology, a multi-million dollar settlement, plus all the weaponry he needs to keep on being a murdering, border jumping, gang banger piece of shit.
Thanks to Special Order 40, and Bratton, the City of Angels isn’t safe for any of its denizens, legal and border jumper alike. L.A. and its residents deserve better, but it’s not going to happen until they get off their butts and demand that a REAL cop, not ANOTHER in this long line of political hacks, be appointed as Chief of Police..
LA is one of the few cities I have been too in which I did not feel safe.