Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting Stimulated By all this Stimulus Talk.

Trading one man’s blood, sweat, and tears for another man’s food, lottery bets, and beers appears to be the only result of this plague that these goose steppers have introduced into our country. We have been transformed from the land of the free and the home of the brave to the land of the freeloader and home of the dazed. In a time when the private sector is shrinking due to market responses to government interference, we have these non-producing parasites in the government, and I mean federal, state, and local making their personal wish lists.

With a president elect encouraging this and reminding them “Don’t forget anyone of your constituents get it all in their, this is it. The big one, the one we’ve been waiting for we’re going to soak em for all they got”. In the words of my grandfather Pluchino “It’s the Era of The Last Great Big Spenders”. And they are off and running, tripping over themselves to get in the treasury vault.

I would like to present my thoughts on all of these jackals one group at a time. Have you got a minute?

Let’s see what Ali Obama and his forty thieves have in store for us. I hate to say this but it hurts so much inside I have to get this off my chest first. The UAW and it’s active members: This one really hurts because my father-in-law and two of his bother’s are retired Ford Motor Company lifers. But what in the hell are the UAW and all of their minions doing begging the senate for welfare, have they lost every ounce of their pride. This is coming from the same “union” thugs that show up in Alabama, Tennessee and any other state with non-union auto workers to picket and protest with their giant inflatable “Rats” and signs to degrade the core values, and mock the efforts of their fellow Americans. On the sole issue, they won’t sign the union pledge cards to support Mr. Stinkfinger (aka Gettofinger) and his hoard of 15,000 freeloaders in the jobs bank. Do we owe the UAW and it’s workers their own little personal welfare system? They seem to think so.

Don’t you think that practices like this need to end? Well they won’t, not till we have leaders to tell the auto company and their employee’s “Tow the line or get in the other line for government cheese with the rest of the “RATS”.

But let’s get this strait the domestic auto industry isn’t failing because of the workers it’s failing due to union greed and government standards but we all know that. We have allowed a congress full of used car salesmen to impersonate auto executives in their sick land of make believe. But that land of make believe is on the verge of being our reality and can you imagine what they will try to force GM and the others to produce once they have control oops… I mean once they float 'em a loan. Our government is in the process of laying out the ground works for a totally different and useless auto industry and the media is hailing it as “auto rescue”.

Now I also wanted to start my ranting and raving with the auto industry also because it goes hand and hand with this little jewel of contradiction the Green Army {Green Army in honor of their brethren that served Stalin and still serve Putin today in the Red Army}.

The environmentalists, the ever present fifth column of our government along with Obama have been leading the charge of investing in our country’s “infrastructure”. And being in the business I hear him loud and clear every time he opens his pie hole on this topic. But I only have one question for you. If they want to eliminate all off shore drilling, not allow any drilling in ANWAR{Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska}, and minimize the importing of oil from foreign sources. What the hell do you think we will be driving on all these fancy new roads?

They tell us that our vehicles are contributing to global warming, I’m sorry global warming that’s so yesterday. Climate Change that’s the new mantra, we call it the four seasons of the year where I come from but let’s just go along for shits and giggles. They want us all in electric cars that can go 40 miles on a charge and to ride mass transit. But at the same time whistle a tune about investing in new roads from coast to coast to the sum of over $100,000,000,000 {I just like writing out that big number, it’s like saying a zillion when you were a kid}.

Boys I’m here to tell you, these fools look one way but paddle another and when they crash the canoe we are all going to sink with 'em.

I’ll leave you with one last nugget from my thoughts about the infrastructure portion this stimulus fraud being committed on us. Ali Obama and the forty thieves said they wanted to spend gobs of tax money on weather striping doors and installing new light bulbs in all of the public schools. Well how many, democrats does it take to change a light bulb.

Your fellow American and friend in the struggle.

Voodoo Child

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