Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Politically Correct Christmas

From Politically Incorrect Gazette

1 comment:

  1. Let’s Buy Iceland While The Price is Right

    As I witness the undeniable fact that our country is being stolen from the men and women past and present that have traded countless amounts of their blood sweat and tears along with ungodly sums of personal treasure in the pursuit of the boldest endeavor to ever be embarked upon in the history of mankind. I have come to the realization that usurping the principles of the people and destroying the foundation of a governmental philosophy of a country that was developed by men greater then we, is the only goal of these individuals in congress and the tricksters of the United Nations.
    A revelation has come to me. Let’s Buy Iceland, and convert this small Island Nation into the world’s foremost economic power. As I am merely the builder of roads and bridges and am not a scholar, I can only offer you the basic concepts and reasoning for such an endeavor
    I. Why Iceland.
    1. Because we squandered our chance at Ireland prior to that country’s implementation of a conservative business model and it’s eventual ascension to the economic leadership of Europe, Iceland will have to due.
    2. They are on the brink of bankruptcy, so we can have them for pennies on the dollar.
    3. Centrally located between the America’s and Europe, so that we may exploit their markets as these two regions continue to disassemble their industrial capacity.
    4. They’re Vikings, they embody the American spirit albeit veiled by many years of socialist control. Plus who better to build a fleet of ships to transport merchandise than a group of hungry Vikings.
    II. Why not just stick it out in America.
    1. America is an idea formed in the hearts and minds of great men. A pure belief
    that will prosper anywhere it is planted, defended and preserved.
    2. To begin the final and complete exposure of the lies that are socialism,
    Marxism, communism and any other ism perpetrated on mankind. (See: Atlas
    3. Because these sycophants that call themselves politicians aren’t funny anymore
    they are downright dangerous.
    4. Have you taken a look around lately and made an honest assessment of the
    freaks, whiners and indolent screw off’s that are roaming our countryside.
    III. Concepts we can take with us that are no longer of value to these
    1. The Constitution, this is an easy one. They’re not using any longer and it’s just
    barrier in the way of their construction of a land of tyrannical euphoria.
    2. Our history and our heritage. It’s no longer studied, honored or evenly given
    a brief mention. Once we get it out of the lockbox that this country’s educator
    have it hidden in, it will be decades before they notice that it is gone.
    3. Industrial freedom and self-reliance. By the results of the most recent election
    do you think they care for either. These are qualities reserved for men with the
    will and determination no longer present in our average citizen.
    IV. Once the Deal is Closed.
    1. A government will need to be established, but this time let’s stick to the model
    our forefathers risked their lives to create.
    2. The judicial system won’t be bogged down by social justice, frivolous lawsuits,
    and the Green Army. So I suggest 4 judges will suffice. Hey Clarence come on
    and snatched up those other three.
    3. Education: well the Vikings have a 99.9% literacy rate so let’s give them a
    chance, but under a close watchful eye. If the focus of education deviates from
    the three R’s the educators will be introduces to a different set of three R’s that
    being row,row,row your boat gently off our dream.
    4. Military: America has the greatest soldiers in the world that over the past 40
    years have defended the interest of hippies that spit in their faces as they come
    home from defending liberty. Do you think we can get a few to defend the
    values of their forefathers. We should be able to purchase the best weapons
    and the brilliant minds that create them once Obama guts the military the way
    he plans. He plans to cut some of the most advanced weapon systems known to
    man, sounds like the making of one hell of a deal. Hey Obama we’ll trade you
    that unproven missal defense system for a year’s worth of carbon credit’s if
    you throw in the USS Constitution. These carbon credits are extremely
    valuable but we can part with a few of them.
    5. Industry: We can easily attract men of like minds with the simple promise of
    an extremely low tax rate for the sole purpose of maintaining the access roads
    and harbor’s needed to deliver their goods to the ends of the earth, I can think
    of no other responsibility that a company could possibly have to the the coffers
    of a nation then to pay for what it needs and uses.
    6. Energy: We can simply drill off the Northeastern coast of the United States, if
    China can do it off the coast of Florida evidently they don’t mind. Also we can
    have Sarah convince the Canadians to allow a pipeline through the Northern
    Wilderness the way she sent one south. For energy to fuel the great industrial
    complex that is sure to form we will build countless nuclear power plants on t
    the Frozen Tundra. This will be the ideal location because the land is virtually
    unused and we can melt the precious glaciers to supply the cooling systems.
    This will serve two purposes to cool the reactors and to eliminate the threat of the glaciers melting due to Global Warming and causing the tides to rise as Al Gore has warned us.
    V. For Shit’s and Giggles.
    1. Every court needs a jester, and we should take one liberal with us so we don’t forget what it was that ruined our great nation. And I nominate Barney Frank to be our honorary token liberal. This can not change the fact that each man will have to feed himself and have some industry that he can contribute to. Let’s be honest, a nation with ports of calls needs brothels and even though this queen can ruin the greatest economic system on earth he has a proven track record of running a profitable whore house.

    I know this is a far-fetched idea and deserves no merit. But what I do believe is that it is a simple list of basic concepts that are no longer prescribed to by our elected officials. We don’t have to take our show on the road but we damn well better learn how to get these ideas across to a nation that has lost it’s way. We have allowed these degenerates on the left to commit intellectual genocide in our institutions of learning, cripple our industry, destroy our banking, and marginalize the accomplishments of our soldiers. And the worst part is we didn’t even put up a valiant fight. We can reverse the course that these depraved maniacs have set us on. It’s going to be difficult, and it’s going to require perseverance but it will be easier the reestablishing the great system we inherited from George Washington and the Boys on a block of ice.


Don't be scared!