Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Paddy's Day

I would like to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day.

After years of going out on this special night, bellowing O' Danny Boy, and getting drunk with bunch of other non-Irish people I am staying home with my shillelagh & blarney stones.

Plus being Italian - green beer, corned beef and meatballs don't mix well!

The guys over at PIG have a great take on St. Paddy's day and the rest of the "Special Holidays" bestowed upon us...

From PIG --

Once again, we will have our sanity assaulted by a bunch of inane nitwits, most of whom aren’t Irish, couldn’t find Ireland on a globe if their life depended on it, and have a pathological hatred for green every other day of the year.

Green beer? Leprechauns? Stupid looking hats? Family, friends, co-workers and strangers nagging you about the lack of green in your attire? A frontal assault on your sanity by musical terrorists who bellow out "Danny Boy" every 3 minutes? Is this the best Ireland, the Irish, have to offer? Give me a break.

We get the part about national/ethnic pride running amok. We get the fact that, for one day of the year, it’s cool to be Irish. We get the fact that, after you cut through all the crap, St. Patrick’s Day has nothing to do with snakes, or holy rollers who chased them from the storied isle. For most of us, St. Patrick’s Day is an excuse to get blasted and slur our speech with a faux Irish accent. Ireland, the Irish, deserve better, and quite frankly, so do we. Besides, we already set aside a date on the calendar to get blasted, New Year’s Eve. More...

Erin Go Braless!


  1. My new prayer to St. Patrick:

    Oh, St. Patrick who was fabled to drive the snakes out of Ireland, pray for us that we may drive the snakes out of Cleveland, especially City Hall, the County Administration building and the Courthouse. Amen.

  2. But will the Red Snakes from the RPCC follow their Blue Snake buddies out of town laddie?

    Will the usless little leperchuan ever be ran from your ranks?


Don't be scared!