Wednesday, February 7, 2007

More on Blackwells - Gun Laws are Racist

This is an update of an earlier post I had about Blackwell's Town Hall column.

The more I think about it - Lets see, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Medgar Evans - two icons in the civil rights movement, Bobby Kennedy a strong civil rights supporter and Malcolm X leader of the Black Muslims - ALL assassinated with a GUN!

Sorta makes you want to ask - What the hell was Blackwell thinking?

I see Bill over at The Daily Bellweather has found some enlightening facts about Blackwell's " Deacons For Defense" --

Ken Blackwell In Towhall: Stretching The Truth?

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- Ohio's former Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, fresh off his loss in the race for governor, has been refashioning himself as a conservative pundit. He tells an interesting story this week about black southerners in small Louisiana towns who armed themselves and refused to be cowed by the Klan. He writes, "Unfortunately, these freedom fighters are seldom mentioned as an important part of African-American history.

"Oh, really?

Google "Deacons For Defense Louisiana." Nearly 39,000 hits appear, including reviews and background about a MOVIE that tells the story of Blackwell's "seldom mentioned freedom fighters." More...


And of course the democrats can't get enough of Blackwell's wisdom over at Buckeye State Blog.

Blackwell: A three-day waiting period/background check for the purchase of a firearm is racist
Submitted by modernesquire on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 10:00am.

Apparently, Ken Blackwell has decided that his only way to remain political relevant and feed his delusions of grandeur is to try and build a name for himself within the conservative community as one of the right's foremost thinkers. I think his latest column at comes woefully short. More......


Th, th, th, then we can't forget about the Blackwell for President Blog (RAB). Where of course they support "Black Eye" Blackwell's echoing assertion that the second amendment aided in the civil rights movement.

I can't wait until Uncle Ken tells us the story on how global warming is racist too!



  1. Global warming, probably not, but minimum wage certainly is

  2. Ok, I will bite. How is minimum wage racist?


  3. Britney Spears has 22,400,000 hits on, yeah, in comparison, the Deacons For Defense bareyly gets mentioned...

    Man, you have aa serious "thing" for Ken Blackwell...

  4. yes i do have a serious thing for Blackwell.

    Until the man admits he divided the party, and accepts defeat, I will ride him on ecerything he does.

    You may notice though that I have stuck up for him on upholding the election laws.

    I have also posted today that i hope nothing comes out of the femi nazi brunhilda's request for a special audit of Blackwells last days.

    I was a strong supporter of Blackwells at one time. Actually was on ground floor of his Cuyahoga Campaign when it started.

    But, realized he was no good.


  5. "Ok, I will bite. How is minimum wage racist?"

    From Dr. Walter E. Williams

    "As a matter of fact, I wrote a book a number of years ago called "South Africa's War Against Capitalism" and in that book I give quotation after quotation from white, racist, unions that would never have a black as a member of their unions. Yet, they were the major supporters of minimum wage laws for blacks. Their stated reason for doing that was because they said they wanted to protect white workers from having to compete with low wage, low skill, black workers. Of course, the rhetoric behind the minimum wage in the United States is different, but it has the same effect. "


Don't be scared!