Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hillary Wins!

Steaming Load #2: Comrade Hillary Plays the Gender CardComrade Hillary demonstrated her utter unsuitability for the Oval Office job, this week. Make no mistake, PIGsters, her unsuitability has nothing to do with intelligence. It does, however, have everything to do with her temperament.

Her reality check started at a Demoncrat Presidential Debate when ‘the boys’ ganged up on her. The boys were lead by commentator Tim Russert whose probing follow-up questions put a rattled Hillary on the defensive. Her performance didn’t improve when the other candidates followed Russert’s lead and piled on. Making her day complete, the infamous ‘new media’ took particular delight in shining its spotlight on Hillary’s poor showing.

After the debate, Hillary went on the defensive. First, she blamed Tim Russert for picking on her with those hard questions. Didn’t he get the Clinton machine’s memo that NOBODY is allowed to ask Comrade Hillary any hard questions? Apparently not.

When her minions didn’t succeed in making Russert the villain, they switched gears and started accusing Russert, and the boys, of - TA DA - sexism. They weren’t picking on a front-runner. They were ganging up on the only ‘girl’ in the race.

Somebody needs to remind Comrade Hillary, that the Oval Office is the ultimate hot seat. Granted, a - SHUDDER - President Hillary would continue to get a free pass from the fawning News Nitwits, but she won’t get special treatment from our sworn enemies. I doubt that Mahmoud al-Gilligan will play her ‘you can’t pick on me because I’m a girl’ game, and neither will the Chinese, that wack job in North Korea, or any of the other bad boys around the world.
If you want to play lumberjack in this league, Comrade Hillary, be a MAN about it: stop your bitching and start handling your end of the damn log.

1 comment:

  1. the election is tuesday. still waiting for your cassidy post. i'm hoping you're not another one of THEM. WTF!!!!!!!!


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